How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ MySQL edition ~


In the previous article, I created a container for the app. This time, we will build a MySQL container on Docker and perform actual data input and access.

Contents up to the last time

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Vue edition ~

Work procedure

  1. Creating a DB container
  2. Input test data
  3. Access to MySQL

1. Creating a DB container

We will create a db container separately from the app container created last time. The final directory structure is as follows.

├─ app
├─ db
│   └─ conf
│        └─ my.cnf     //add to
│   └─ init_db
│        └─ test.sql   //add to
├─ docker
│   └─ app
│   └─ db
│      └─ Dockerfile   //add to
├─ .env                //add to
└─ docker-compose.yml  //Edit


version: "3"
    container_name: app_container
    build: ./docker/app
      - 8080:8080
      - ./app:/app
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo
    command: yarn serve
#Do not edit the previous application container
#Add the following
    container_name: db_container
    build: ./docker/db
    image: mysql:5.7
      - 3306:3306
      - ./db/conf/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql.cnf  #Bind MySQL settings
      - ./db/init_db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d      #Bind sql file for initial data input
      - test_data:/var/lib/mysql                      #Bind persisted data
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=${MYSQL_DATABASE}              #Read various settings from the environment variables of the container
      - TZ="Asia/Tokyo"

  test_data:                                           #Data persistence

The setting to launch the app container and the db container at the same time is completed above. The database name, user name, and password to be accessed are executed by referring to the environment variables of the container from [environment].


FROM mysql


CMD ["mysqld"]

Set the port to 3306.





Set the MySQL character code.


MYSQL_DATABASE=test_db  //Set the database name described later
MYSQL_USER={Set an appropriate user name}
MYSQL_PASSWORD={Set password for MySQL access}
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={Set password for MySQL access}

What is set here is referenced when the container is started and is set in the environment variable of the container. The login password will be the password set above.

* Exclude .env files with .gitignore so that they are not included in Git. Don't push if you make a mistake! </ font>

2. Input test data



USE test_db;


  id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key,
  name varchar(30),
  description varchar(255)

INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (1, 'test1', 'Test data 1.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (2, 'test2', 'Test data 2.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (3, 'test3', 'Test data 3.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (4, 'test4', 'Test data 4.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (5, 'test5', 'Test data 5.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (6, 'test6', 'Test data 6.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (7, 'test7', 'Test data 7.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (8, 'test8', 'Test data 8.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (9, 'test9', 'Test data 9.');
INSERT INTO test (id, name, description) VALUES (10, 'test10', 'Test data 10.');

Create test_db database> test table as data for confirmation. Insert data such as ID, Name, Description in the column as appropriate.

3. Access MySQL

This is the end of preparations. From here, check if you can actually access and get the data.

DB container build

$ docker-compose build

DB container startup

$ docker-compose up -d

Container start confirmation

$ docker ps

OK if db_container is running!

Access the container

$ docker exec -it db_container sh

Login to MySQL

$ mysql -u root -p -h

Enter password: // .Enter the password described in env

mysql>          //If this comes out, access to Mysql is complete!

Database check


Success if the prepared database [test_db] exists!

スクリーンショット 2020-09-20 17.21.39.png

Specify the database to use

USE test_db;

Check the table


If the created [test] table exists, it's OK! スクリーンショット 2020-09-20 17.22.55.png

Check the data in the test table


If the list of data saved in the test table is displayed, it is completed without any problem!

スクリーンショット 2020-09-20 17.24.06.png

If you can confirm so far, you can access MySQL without any problem! Thank you for your hard work!

Exit from mysql

mysql> exit
# //If this happens, you are logged out of MySQL and accessing the container.

Get out of the container


Stop container

docker-compose stop

Thank you for your hard work! At this point, you have completed the environment construction that allows you to launch MySQL on the Docker container and insert and access data! Now that we have an app container and a database to actually operate, we will create an API server container to operate data next time!

next time

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Express edition ~


How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Vue edition ~ How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Sequelize ~

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