How to build an environment of [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] with Docker ~ Vue edition ~


This article is studying Vue but wants to build an app based on TypeScript! It is a content to actually build an environment from scratch for those who say! By the way, I will build it with Docker and create an application that runs in a container environment!

As for the configuration, I will aim for an environment that has module extensibility while building Docker + Vue.js + Express (Node.js) + MySQL based on TypeScript!

Aiming state

  1. Application container
  1. API server container
  1. Database container

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"Vue-> Vuex-> HTTP communication (Axios)-> API (Express)-> MySQL data acquisition (Sequelize)-> Store response (Express)-> Vue" It will be the flow.

Target person

--Docker, Docker-Compose is already installed (available) --Understanding the basics of JavaScript / Vue.js

The purpose is to quickly build an environment on Docker, and it does not cover Docker in detail. What is Docker in the first place? We recommend that you refer to the following article. [Illustration] Understanding the whole picture of Docker -Part 1-

Work procedure

Vue edition

  1. Create application container
  2. Build a Vue app on a container
  3. Automate app execution when container starts
  4. Introduced Vue's main library
  5. Introduced Vuetify
  6. Create a counter app for testing

MySQL edition

  1. Creating a DB container
  2. Input test data
  3. Access to MySQL

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ MySQL edition ~

Express edition

  1. Create API container
  2. Introduction of ts-node / nodemon
  3. Express server construction
  4. Routing settings
  5. API handler settings
  6. Create API template

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Express edition ~

Sequelize edition

  1. Set up a network between containers
  2. Introduced Sequelize
  3. Model creation
  4. Complete the GetTests API
  5. Call the API with Axios from the front side
  6. Bind and render the response to Vuex

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Sequelize ~

1. Creating an application container

First, create a file to create a container with docker-compose. Create the required files with the following configuration.

├─ docker
│    └─ app
│        └─ Dockerfile
└─ docker-compose.yml


version: "3"
    container_name: app_container
    build: ./docker/app
      - 8080:8080
      - ./app:/app
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo

This is the basic docker-compose configuration file. We will add API server container and DB container later, but we will create only APP container once.


FROM node:12.13-alpine

RUN yarn global add @vue/cli


This time, we will use lightweight alpine as the base image. Since vue-cli is used in the container, perform global installation.

Container build

$ docker-compose build

Build the image below the design document created earlier

Container / startup

$ docker-compose up -d

Actually start the built container. Start in detached mode (background) by adding -d.

Check the running container

$ docker ps

The following is the output result, so let's check if it is actually started.

//OK if the created container is displayed here

2. Launch the Vue app on the container

Now that you have a base container, you can actually go inside the container and build your app.

Access the container

$ docker exec -it app_container sh

/app #  //If this happens, you can access the container

Vue app creation

$ vue create app

Manual selection With TypeScript With Router With Vuex Babel ** None **

The version is 2.x. Use class-style component syntax? Yes ** * This is important ** yarn ** * I'm going to use Yarn for the package. ** ** The rest is your choice.


$ cd app
$ yarn serve

If you access localhost: 8080 and it is displayed, it's OK!

スクリーンショット 2020-09-15 0.01.02.png

At this point, you have created the app inside the container and executed the app from inside the container. Since this work is troublesome every time, we will set the application inside to be automatically executed when the container is started.

Stop the app once

$ controll + c

Get out of the container

$ exit

Stop container

$ docker-compose stop

3. Automate app execution when container starts

Change directory structure

The app directory directly under root is a hindrance, so please go somewhere.


├─ app                //Ported here(This guy is deleted)
│    └─ app           //Every directory
│        ├─ node_modules
│        ├─ public
│        ├─ src
│ Others
├─ docker
│    └─ app
│         └─ Dockerfile
└─ docker-compose.yml


├─ app     
│   ├─ node_modules
│   ├─ public
│   ├─ src
│ Others
├─ docker
│    └─ app
│         └─ Dockerfile
└─ docker-compose.yml

Added startup command to Compose config file


version: "3"
    container_name: app_container
    build: ./docker/app
      - 8080:8080
      - ./app:/app
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo
    command: yarn serve  //Add this guy

Container startup

$ docker-compose up -d

If you access localhost: 8080 in this state and the application is launched, it is successful! The app will be launched when the docker container is launched without yarn serve!

Introduction of prettier (favorite)

I hate JavaScript semicolons, so I will introduce Prettier that will automatically format it. Please feel free to use this area.

Access the container

$ docker exec -it app_container sh

Prettier installation

$ yarn add prettier --dev

Create app / **. prettierrc **

  "singleQuote": true,
  "semi": false

4. Introducing major Vue libraries

Actually, this is my favorite this time. While writing Vue in TypeScript, we will introduce a library that can be written neatly and intuitively by using a decorator (@). In the future, Vue files will come up with some unfamiliar writing styles, but these libraries are nice and tidy.

$ yarn add vue-class-component vue-property-decorator vuex-class vuex-module-decorators

The following article is very easy to understand, so please read it if you are interested.

-Vue component starting with TypeScript (vue-class-component) -First vue-property-decorator (also supports nuxt)

Edit App.vue


  <div id="app">
    <router-view />

#app {
  width: 95%;
  margin: 0 auto;

I want to leave the component to be displayed to the Router side, so delete router-link and replace it with router-view.

Delete unnecessary files

├─ assets
│    └─        //Delete
├─ components
│     └─ HelloWorld.vue  //Delete
├─ views                 //Delete the entire directory
│      ├─ Home
│      └─ About

Please leave the files that you will not use in the future.

Create Test.vue


  <div class="test">
    <h1>Test Page</h1>

<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'

export default class Test extends Vue {}

Create a test component to check the following:

  1. Can you route correctly?
  2. Can the component load correctly?

Edit Router


import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter, { RouteConfig } from 'vue-router'
import Test from '../pages/Test.vue'


const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [
    path: '/',
    name: 'Test',
    component: Test,

const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,

export default router

Set the routing so that the created Test component is called by the route.

Page confirmation

If you reload and "Test Page" is displayed, it's OK! You can freely increase the number of pages by connecting URLs and components in this way!

5. Introduced Vuetify

Library installation

yarn add vuetify
yarn add --dev sass sass-loader fibers deepmerge

If you use only vuetify, an error will occur, so install the necessary libraries as well.

Creating a plugin file


import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css'


const opts = {}

export default new Vuetify(opts)

This is a configuration file for applying Vuetify to the entire app.

edit main.ts

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify' //add to
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css' //add to

Vue.config.productionTip = false

new Vue({
  vuetify, //add to
  render: (h) => h(App),

By loading the plugin created above, you can use Vuetify in your application.

App.vue edit

  <v-app>  <!--add to-->
    <div id="app">
      <router-view />
  </v-app> <!--add to-->

Finally, it is OK if you enclose the View of the application body.

Edit Test.vue

<v-btn large color="primary">test</v-btn>

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If the button is displayed, the installation of Vuetify is complete! Thank you for your hard work! After that, you can freely increase the number of pages in this way!

6. Create a counter app for testing

Now that the application template is complete, we will create a counter function after checking whether Vuex / Store can be used correctly.

Create Counter.vue


  <div class="counter">

<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'

export default class Counter extends Vue {}

Creating a Counter page

--edit router / index.ts

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter, { RouteConfig } from 'vue-router'
import Test from '../pages/Test.vue'
import Counter from '../pages/Counter.vue' //add to


const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [
    path: '/',
    name: 'Test',
    component: Test,
    path: '/counter',    //add to
    name: 'Counter',     //add to
    component: Counter,  //add to

const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,

export default router

Set the routing so that the above components are rendered at "localhost: 8080 / counter".

Creating a Store module


import {
} from 'vuex-module-decorators'
import store from '../index'

type CounterState = {
  count: number

@Module({ store, dynamic: true, namespaced: true, name: 'Test' })
class CounterModule extends VuexModule implements CounterState {
  count = 0

  SET_COUNT(payload: number) {
    this.count = payload

  async increment() {
    this.SET_COUNT(this.count + 1)

  async decrement() {
    this.SET_COUNT(this.count - 1)

  async reset() {

export const counterModule = getModule(CounterModule)

You can intuitively describe the Store module with "vuex-module-decorators" introduced at the beginning. This time, we will use the data "count" to check whether count changes dynamically when Action is fired.

Edit tsconfig.json


"experimentalDecorators": true, //add to

If you get angry with Linter, please set this.

Edit Counter.vue


      <v-divider />

        <v-avatar v-for="item in count" :key="item" color="primary">
          <span class="white--text headline">{{ item }}</span>

      <v-divider />

        <v-btn @click="increment">+</v-btn> <!--Execute increment method when clicked-->
        <v-btn @click="decrement">-</v-btn> <!--Execute decrement method when clicked-->
        <v-btn text @click="reset">Reset</v-btn> <!--Execute reset method when clicked-->

<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { counterModule } from '../store/modules/counter'

export default class Counter extends Vue {
  get count() {
    return counterModule.count //Returns the Store count as is

   *Add count
  increment() {
    counterModule.increment() //Fire the Store increment method

   *Minus the count
  decrement() {
    counterModule.decrement() //Fire the store's decrement method

   *Reset the count
  reset() {
    counterModule.reset() //Fire the Store reset method

<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

Let's take full advantage of Vuetify here. Edit it so that v-avatars are generated for the number of counts, and then just move it!

Operation check!

If you press [+] [-] to increase or decrease the counter, it's OK! Thank you for your hard work!

スクリーンショット 2020-09-15 0.14.03.png

I created a simple counter and checked the behavior of Vuex (Store), but by inserting API communication in the Action of the Store, it is possible to link with the actual DB. Next time, I will create a container for the API server and the DB that actually operates it!

next time

How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ MySQL edition ~


How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Express edition ~ How to build [TypeScript + Vue + Express + MySQL] environment with Docker ~ Sequelize ~

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