[JAVA] How to use git with the power of jgit in an environment without git commands


In a certain environment, git cannot be installed due to reasons such as" you do not have sudo privileges "or" moss with make". I was in trouble, I tried it as one of the countermeasures, and it worked, so I will introduce it

(I tried my best to cross-compile, but I hope it helps people even if it doesn't work.)


"If you use jgit, which is a Java implementation of git, it will work anywhere with a JVM **."


As a whole flow, It's like fetching eclipse / jgit and building it. I think you can build it if you can use the mvn command. (I think it works better than make git)

#Get the repository
#(I did it in an environment with a suitable git)
git clone [email protected]:eclipse/jgit.git
# (Or wget https://github.com/eclipse/jgit/tree/stable-4.I think you can download the zip at 11)

#Move directory
cd jgit/

#Check out to the current latest stable version
git checkout stable-4.11

mvn clean install

#Try running the built jgit
./org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/jgit --version

./org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/ is portable, and you can set this target directory in the environment where you want the git command.

** I think it's okay to build jgit and the environment where you want to install jgit ** (believe in the Java slogan ** Write once, run anywhere ** ...).

After that, create a symbolic link with the following command with the name " git " toward ./org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/jgit.

#Create a symbolic with the name git ($Created in PWD)
ln -s ./org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/target/jgit git

If you pass the path here, you can treat it like a git command.

What is JGit? Is it reliable?

** JGit is an implementation of git in Java. ** **

The official statement is as follows, so it's not like hitting git behind the scenes.

An implementation of the Git version control system in pure Java.

I think that the main usage is to handle instructions such as commit and checkout of git from Java (or JVM language) programmatically. The following is an example.

//git commit example
Git git = new Git(db);
CommitCommand commit = git.commit();
commit.setMessage("initial commit").call();
//git log example
Git git = new Git(db);
Iterable<RevCommit> log = git.log().call();

It's like system (), so I think the main purpose is to operate it without hitting the git command. There is an official document on how to use it as a CLI like this time, and there should be no way to use it.

Regarding reliability, It seems that Eclipse is developing it, so it will be used in Eclipse as well, It seems to be used in Gitbucket (like the open source version of GitHub) written in Scala, so I think it's quite reliable.

Operation check of jgit

(Note: The git below is a symbolic link to jgit)

$ git --version
jgit version 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
$ git
jgit --git-dir GIT_DIR --help (-h) --show-stack-trace --version command [ARG ...]

The most commonly used commands are:
 add              Add file contents to the index
 archive          Zip up files from the named tree
 branch           List, create, or delete branches
 checkout         Checkout a branch to the working tree
 clean            Remove untracked files from the working tree
 clone            Clone a repository into a new directory
 commit           Record changes to the repository
 config           Get and set repository or global options
 daemon           Export repositories over git://
 debug-lfs-store  Run LFS Store in a given directory
 describe         Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
 diff             Show diffs
 fetch            Update remote refs from another repository
 gc               Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
 init             Create an empty git repository
 log              View commit history
 ls-remote        List references in a remote repository
 ls-tree          List the contents of a tree object
 merge            Merges two development histories
 push             Update remote repository from local refs
 reflog           Manage reflog information
 repo             Parse a repo manifest file and add submodules
 reset            Reset current HEAD to the specified state
 rm               Stop tracking a file
 show             Display one commit
 status           Show the working tree status
 tag              Create a tag
 version          Display the version of jgit


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