used when passing parameters to SimpleJdbcInsert
and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
, but the same package as this interface (ʻorg.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam`) has the following 3 types of implementation classes. I have.
In this article, I will write about how to use these three types of SqlParameterSource
It is a SqlParameterSource
that registers parameters in map format.
It is the most general-purpose one, but in some cases it is more labor-saving to use BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
described later.
I mainly use it when mapping arguments.
Query string
FROM hoge_table
WHERE hoge_id = :hogeId
AND hoge_status = :hogeStatus;
Query execution (HogeDto single acquisition process)
//Initialization omitted
String queryString;
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbc;
BeanPropertyRowMapper<HogeDto> rowMapper;
public HogeDto selectHoge(Integer hogeId, String hogeStatus) {
MapSqlParameterSource param = new MapSqlParameterSource("hogeId", hogeId)
.addValue("hogeStatus", hogeStatus);
return jdbc.queryForObject(queryString, param, rowMapper);
It is a SqlParameterSource
that treats it as a parameter when you put an object in it.
I mainly use it to fill prepared statements in most of the object's fields, or to use SimpleJdbcInsert
Query string
UPDATE hoge_sub_value
SET hoge_value = :hogeValue
WHERE hoge_id = :hogeId
AND hoge_status = :hogeStatus
Query execution (hoge_sub_Multiple updates of value)
//Initialization omitted
String queryString;
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbc;
public void updateHogeSubValues(List<HogeSubValue> subValues) {
BeanPropertySqlParameterSource[] params = subValues.stream()
jdbc.batchUpdate(queryString, params);
EmptySqlParameterSource The last is ʻEmptySqlParameterSource`, which indicates that no parameters are used.
The NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
defines different interfaces with and without SqlParameterSource
(eg <T> T query (String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, ResultSetExtractor <T> rse)
and <T> T query ( String sql, ResultSetExtractor <T> rse)
), internally, it is implemented in the form of passing ʻEmptySqlParameterSource` to the implementation with parameters.
I don't think there are many occasions to use it.
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.Implementation of java (around lines 167 to 187)
public <T> T query(
String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, ResultSetExtractor<T> rse
) throws DataAccessException {
return getJdbcOperations().query(getPreparedStatementCreator(sql, paramSource), rse);
public <T> T query(
String sql, ResultSetExtractor<T> rse
) throws DataAccessException {
return query(sql, EmptySqlParameterSource.INSTANCE, rse);
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