[JAVA] How to use UsageStatsManager in Android Studio (How to check the startup time of other apps)


Windows 10 Android Studio latest version Java

** This method worked fine on my smartphone as of 02/27/2020. ** ** ** There may be specification changes, so if you copy and paste it and it doesn't work, please refer to the official document. ** **

Thing you want to do

I needed to get how many other apps were running that day. For example, the image below is an app called ActionDash, which shows the launch times of other apps.

In conclusion, you can use UsageStatsManager.


Authority relationship

First, write it in ʻAndroidManifest.xml` as below.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <!--Added the two lines below-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS"
        tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions" />



Next, perform a permission check. Use a special method instead of the usual permission method.

private boolean checkReadStatsPermission() {
  //Get AppOpsManager
  AppOpsManager aom = (AppOpsManager) getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE);
  // GET_USAGE_Get STATS status
  int mode = aom.checkOp(AppOpsManager.OPSTR_GET_USAGE_STATS, android.os.Process.myUid(), getPackageName());
  if (mode == AppOpsManager.MODE_DEFAULT) {
    //If the AppOps status is the default, perform a normal permission check.
    //False for ordinary apps
    return checkPermission("android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS", android.os.Process.myPid(), android.os.Process.myUid()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
  //Only allowed is true if the AppOps state is not the default
  return mode == AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED;

Finally, there is a request for permission. Please note that this is also different from the usual method.

if (!checkReadStatsPermission()) {
  startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS));

Use UsageStatsManager

The explanation is included in the source code. This source code gets the app usage time for the day.

public class UsageStatsClass {
  // Log.d()And the name to identify it as the output of this class
  private static final String TAG = UsageStatsClass.class.getSimpleName();
  //Substitute Context of MainActivity
  private Context context;

  public UsageStatsClass(Context mContext) {
    //Substitute context
    context = mContext;

  //Object called UsageStats is information of one application(App usage time, etc.)Is included
  //That is, one Usage Stats is assigned to each app.
  private List<UsageStats> getUsageStatsObject() {
    // getSystemService()To get UsageStatsManager
    //UsageStatsManager is for getting usage information of the application
    UsageStatsManager usageStatsManager =
            (UsageStatsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE);

    //Get the current time as a Calendar object
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    //Set the calendar time to midnight
    //As a result, the time information contained in the calendar will be from the current time to today's midnight.
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);

    // queryUsageStats(Unit of time to get,The beginning of the time to get, the end of the time to get)
    //Unit of time to get:Daily(INTERVAL_DAILY), Weekly(INTERVAL_WEEKLY), Monthly(INTERVAL_MONTHLY)、
    //Yearly(INTERVAL_YEARLY), Automatic selection(INTERVAL_BEST)There is
    //The beginning of time to get:The starting point of the time zone of the data you want to acquire. This time, it's midnight of the day.
    //End of time to get:The end of the time zone for the data you want to retrieve. This time, the current time.
    return usageStatsManager.queryUsageStats(

  //Function to execute from the outside
  public void readOneDayUsageStats() {
    //Get usage information for each app as a List
    List<UsageStats> usageStats = getUsageStatsObject();

    //Get usage information of one app in usageStat by using for statement
    for (UsageStats usageStat : usageStats) {
      //If you have never used the app, skip it
      if (usageStat.getTotalTimeInForeground() == 0) {

      //Output the acquired information with Logcat
      // package name : getPackageName() :The app's unique ID
      // total time displayed : getTotalTimeInForeground() :Total time the app was displayed on the screen
      // first time : getFirstTimeStamp() :Returns the start time of the acquired data in milliseconds
      // getStringDate()Is used to convert milliseconds into a human-friendly form.
      // end time : getLastTimeUsed() :Returns the end time of the retrieved data in milliseconds
      // getStringDate()Is used to convert milliseconds into a human-friendly form.
      Log.d(TAG, "packageName: " + usageStat.getPackageName() + "\ttotalTimeDisplayed: " + usageStat.getTotalTimeInForeground()
          + "\tfirstTime: " + getStringDate(usageStat.getFirstTimeStamp()) + "\tlastTime: " + getStringDate(usageStat.getLastTimeUsed()));

  //Convert long type milliseconds to String type human-friendly form
  private String getStringDate(long milliseconds) {
    final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.JAPANESE);
    final Date date = new Date(milliseconds);
    return df.format(date);

Execution result

The time is displayed for each app. You did it!

D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.huawei.android.launcher	totalTimeDisplayed: 3769989	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 15:59:00
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: jp.naver.line.android	totalTimeDisplayed: 805413	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 15:34:36
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.discord	totalTimeDisplayed: 4247	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 15:43:05
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.microsoft.office.outlook	totalTimeDisplayed: 43011	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 14:19:16
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.google.android.packageinstaller	totalTimeDisplayed: 2444	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 15:59:02
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.google.android.apps.photos	totalTimeDisplayed: 283917	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 13:38:33
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.spotify.music	totalTimeDisplayed: 6267989	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 13:56:21
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: jp.mineo.app.phone	totalTimeDisplayed: 70175	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 13:59:50
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.google.android.apps.translate	totalTimeDisplayed: 8170	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 15:04:14
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: ch.bitspin.timely	totalTimeDisplayed: 798142	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 11:17:25
D/UsageStatsClass: packageName: com.android.settings	totalTimeDisplayed: 21715	firstTime: 2020/02/27 00:00:02	lastTime: 2020/02/27 14:32:32


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