[RUBY] Build debug environment on container --Build local development environment for Rails tutorial with Docker-


We are building a local development environment with Docker and rerunning the Rails tutorial.

--Rails 6 compatible with the latest version of Rails tutorial (as of 2020.8.6) --Development environment can be reproduced using Docker --Do not install in the local environment as much as possible

This time, the part corresponding to Chapter 7 of the Rails tutorial, I will introduce the contents to debug when developing on the Docker container

The first Building a local development environment for Rails tutorials with Docker (Rails 6 + PostgreSQL + Webpack) --Qiita

Second time Building a local development environment for Rails tutorials with Docker --Introducing RSpec & Deploying Heroku with CircleCI --- Qiita

3rd Building a local development environment for Rails tutorials with Docker --Introducing Bootstrap and Font Awesome with Webpack --- Qiita

Personally developed app mdClip

When operating on the Docker container, use the terminal command as appropriate.

$ docker-compose run app ...


$ docker-compose exec app ...

Please replace with.

Debug Rails in the development environment on the Docker container

Method 1 Attach to Rails container-> Detach

Reference site Enable debugging in Docker and Rails 5.2 development environment-Coconala Yomoyama Blog

Attach to Rails container

$ docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q app)

You can now use the debug console

Detach from container

If you exit debug with quit Since the container will be terminated, rails server will also drop If you think this is very inconvenient

If you just detach from the container (Control P-> Control Q), you don't have to close the container.

However, when operating with the VS Code console Control P, Control Q cannot be assigned to other shortcuts

This is a solution by replacing the touch keys with a container

Reference article How to solve Ctrl-p double press problem (detach-keys problem) with docker-Qiita

Write the settings in ~ / .docker / config.json

vi ~/.docker/config.json
  # ...abridgement
  "detachKeys": "ctrl-e"

I set it to be detachable with control + e

Method 2 Run a debugging container with VS Code

From the debug function of VS code, there seems to be a way to set up a container for debugging and debug.

Developing inside a Container using Visual Studio Code Remote Development

I thought it would be seamless and convenient I've spent a little time so far, so I'll add it on another occasion.

Personal notes

Get started with development Containers in Visual Studio Code

VS Code --Connect to a Rails app running on Docker Compose with Remote Containers-Coffee simmered


Both are due to different versions of Bootstrap I don't think it makes sense to spend too much time researching it.

You may want to match the Bootstrap version

Form moves to the left

#Before correction

There is no $ state-danger-text

$text-danger: #dc3545;

# ...Omission...

.field_with_errors {
  @extend .has-error;
  .form-control {
    color: $text-danger;

There is no .has-error

.has-error -> :invalid

$text-danger: #dc3545;

# ...Omission...

.field_with_errors {
  @extend :invalid;
  .form-control {
    color: $text-danger;

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