[Ruby] How to get the value by specifying the key. Differences between hashes, symbols and fetch

This is a personal memo.

In addition to specifying the key by hash or symbol, there is also a method of using the fetch method to fetch the value by specifying the key of the object.

・ Symbol: obj[:a]
・ Hash: obj['a']   ( obj["a"]Is the same)
・ Fetch:    obj.fetch(:a)Or obj.fetch('a')

table of contents

  1. Differences between hashes, symbols and fetches (#ハッシュシンボルfetchの違い)
  2. (1) Difference depending on the format of the original object
  3. ② Do you want to display an error with a key that does not exist?
  4. fetch method
  5. Exception Handling 1
  6. Exception Handling 2
  7. When both exception handling 1 and exception handling 2 are described

## Differences between hashes, symbols and fetch The difference between them is

-① ** What is the original object format **? -② Do you want to display ** error ** with a key that does not exist?

There are two points.

## ① Difference depending on the format of the original object

There are ** hash ** and ** symbol ** as the method of specifying the key of the object.

** The hash is a string. The symbol is described with a colon ** in front of it. The specification when retrieving the value must match each format.

Hash format example

obj = {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}

##Get value
=> 2

=> nil

Symbol format example

obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}

##Get value
=> 2

=> nil

That is, 'b' and : b are not equal.

The hash is unique to each defined object, but the difference is that all symbols are the same if they have the same key.

## ② Do you want to ** display an error ** with a key that does not exist? As you can see in the above example, if you specify a symbol and hash, ** no error will occur even if the specified key does not exist, and `nil` will be returned. ** **

** Use fetch ** if you want to display an error.


obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}

##If the value exists
=> 2

##If the value does not exist case1
KeyError (key not found: :g)

##If the value does not exist case2
KeyError (key not found: "b")

If you specify a value that does not exist, KeyError (key not found: specified key) is returned.

## fetch method In the fetch method, you can specify the display contents at the time of error by describing the second argument or block. (Exception handling can be easily specified)

object.fetch(Key,Exception handling 1){|Variable 2|Exception handling 2 }

--Exception handling 1 can be specified by either a variable or a value --If both exception handling 1 and exception handling 2 are listed, exception handling 2 takes precedence. --The key name is entered in variable 2 of exception handling 2.

### Exception handling 1

-Object.fetch (key, exception handling)

** ▼ Specify by character string **

Specified by a character string

obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
obj.fetch(:g, "error")

=> "error"

** ▼ Specify with a variable 1 **

Specified by a character string

obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}

e = "error"
obj.fetch(:g, e)

=> "error"

** ▼ Specify with a variable 2 ** It is also possible to assign a value to a variable in parentheses.

Specified by a character string

obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
obj.fetch(:g, e = "error")

=> "error"

### Exception handling 2 ・`object.fetch(Key){|variable|Exception handling}`

It is also possible to specify exception handling in the block {}.


obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
obj.fetch(:g){|x| "#{x}Does not exist"  }

=> "g does not exist"

** ▼ Variable expansion ** The value of a variable can be displayed as a character string by describing `# {variable}` in the character string `" "`.
** ▼ When no variable is specified ** If no variable is specified, only the exception handling description is returned.


obj = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
obj.fetch(:g){ "It is an error" }

=> "It is an error"

### When both exception handling 1 and exception handling 2 are described If both exception handling 1 and exception handling 2 are described, exception handling 2 is returned together with a warning message.


obj.fetch(:g, "error1"){ "ERROR2" }
warning: block supersedes default value argument
=> "ERROR2"

supersedes means to replace.

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