[RUBY] How to embed and display youtube videos in Rails (You can also get the URL you entered by editing)

1 Overview

I wanted to embed and display youtube videos on rails, so I tried to implement it by referring to various articles. However, I couldn't implement it as I envisioned according to the reference article. After that, I repeated trial and error and found out how to generate the URL entered on the edit screen without any bugs, so I will describe how to implement it.

1.1 YouTube URL types

Youtube videos are identified by 11-digit character strings. If you paste the 11-digit character string into the URL for embedding on youtube, the embedded video will be displayed on rails as well.

Identify the video with this character string → → "0CqFEDzDkIA & t"

However, there is a big pitfall here. As a condition for the above URL to be generated, the above URL will be generated only when youtube video starts from 0 seconds </ font>. If this condition is not met, a longer URL will be generated, so even if you create it according to Reference article, the embedded video will be displayed. There will be a bug that will not be done.

If the URL meets the criteria, it will be played correctly in Reference article.

** If you get the youtube URL by the following method, a URL longer than the 11-character code for video identification will be generated **

-URL of the video that stopped playing the video --URL of the video playing the video in a special situation (Example: Get the URL from the playback screen of your favorite video, etc.) </ Font> (There may be others, but in any case the URL will be generated in the longer direction)

Based on these, we will explain the implementation setup.

2. Implementation

Author version

  • ruby 2.5.1
  • rails 5.2.3
  • mysql 5.7

2.1 Preparation

First, we will create a sample app that just posts YouTube videos.

Terminal operation

$ mkdir projects //Prepare your own directory
$ cd projects
$ mkdir sample_app
$ cd sample_app
$ $ rails new youtubetest -d mysql

If you want to specify the version, enter as follows rails -5.2.3- new youtubetest -d mysql

$ rails s

Start the server. Go to http: // localhost: 3000 to see if you were able to launch the server. If the usual image appears, the startup is complete. aa42578496e362131452b38405a24c75.png

2.2 Gem introduction

I often write in Haml, so I'll introduce gem'haml-rails'.


gem 'haml-rails'

After installation, please lower rails ** lower </ font> ** and bundle install.

2.3 Creating an app

Describe the routing.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root to: 'products#index'
  resources :products, only: [:index, :new, :create,:edit ,:update, :destroy]

Create a controller.


$ rails g controller products

Add the following to the products controller.

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @products = Product.all

  def new
    @product = Product.new

  def create
    redirect_to root_path

  def destroy
    product = Product.find(params[:id])

  def edit
    @product = Product.find(params[:id]) 

  def update
    product = Product.find(params[:id])

  def product_params
    params.require(:product).permit(:name, :youtube_url)

Create a model.


$ rails g model product

Add the following to the migration file


class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    create_table :products do |t|
      t.text :name #add to
      t.string :youtube_url #add to

Let's do rails: db: migrate.


$ rails db:migrate

** Preparation is complete ** ** This is the most important process! !! ** **

Create a view file for the top screen. Please enter the following command.


$ touch app/views/products/index.html.haml
$ touch app/views/products/new.html.haml
$ touch app/views/products/edit.html.haml
* Please type in order from the top

Create a view file for the top screen. Add the following code to ʻindex.html.haml`.


  - @products.each do |product|
      = product.name
      %iframe{src: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/#{product.youtube_url[32..42]}",allow: "accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture", allowfullscreen: "", frameborder: "0", height: "315", width: "560"}

The code below is the base code for the embed code. https://www.youtube.com/embed/ By adding # {post.youtube_url [32..42]} to the end of this code, even URLs generated in an irregular state can be played normally.

Supplementary explanation

 %iframe{src: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/#{product.youtube_url[32..42]}", Omitted below}
#Add the code below
#Obtained an 11-digit character string that identifies the video

Next, create a view of the post screen and edit screen. Add the following code to new.html.haml and ʻedit.html.haml (It is okay to use a partial template in this process)



      = form_with(model: @product, local: true) do |form|
        = form.label :name, "name"
        = form.text_field :name, placeholder: 'name'

        = form.label :youtube_url, "YouTube URL"
        = form.text_field :youtube_url, placeholder: 'youtube_url'
      = f.submit 'Post'

** This is the end !! ** By adding a little description to the embed code, you can embed the video correctly in any URL (limited to youtube) and you can play the video.

Reference article

  • https://qiita.com/Kairi_Yasunnde/items/8e931a4670549ba8237e
  • https://qiita.com/yuichisan65/items/9356a2822fb37e51b3b4


This concludes the explanation of "How to embed and display youtube videos in Rails". I would appreciate it if you could point out any mistakes.

Thank you for watching until the end.

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