[RUBY] How to write when you want to keep line breaks and output while avoiding XSS in Rails

Output the following strings including Script tags in various ways and compare the differences.


  alert('you are an idiot');

Output as it is


<%= @hoge %>


<script> alert('you are an idiot'); </script>


XSS can be avoided, but line breaks and spaces are not reflected



<%= @hoge.html_safe %>


Script is executed!


Induces XSS. Despite its name, html_safe is not safe at all.

simple_format(@hoge, sanitize: true)


<%= simple_format(@hoge, sanitize: true) %>


alert('you are an idiot');


The script tag is erased



<%= h(@hoge) %>


<script> alert('you are an idiot'); </script>


XSS can be avoided, but line breaks and spaces are not reflected



<%= simple_format(h(@hoge)) %>


alert('you are an idiot');


XSS does not occur. The script tag is escaped and the line breaks are retained. Only the space after the line break is not reflected.


If you want to reflect line breaks, simple_format (h (@hoge) seems to be good.

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