[Reading impression] "How to learn Rails, how to write a book, and how to teach"

Impressions of reading this.



Basic flow of learning Rails

A must-see for anyone starting or doing Rails.

Technology to understand what you do not understand

Metacognitive things. Have people teach you what you know outside your field of vision, or the need for books.

I don't know a good name

Naming is often not good, so I want to read and spread "Naming Taizen" https://www.amazon.co.jp/WEB-DB-PRESS-Vol-110-PRESS%E7%B7%A8%E9%9B%86%E9%83%A8-ebook/dp/B07QXHLSJZ

Systematic material for using GraphQL with Rails

I want to read.

Books should not be written in DRY

It's important to repeat.

All humans are different processing systems

Good words that can be positive on the job.


People who know various processing systems are kind and strong.

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