Introduce a decorator using a gem draper. Make a note of the clogged part when introducing this Gem.
・ Ruby 2.6.4 ・ Rails 5.2.3
About the role of Decorator and Draper Summary of how to use Draper Prepare a Decorator to display Rails View to help Helper and Model
First, install Gem.
gem 'draper'
You can use draper by typing the following two lines into the terminal.
$ bundle install
$ rails generate draper:install
First, create app/decorators/user_decorator.rb.
$ rails generate decorator User
This time we will create a method to call the full name. last_name and first_name have been added to the columns of the User model in advance.
class UserDecorator < Draper::Decorator
def full_name
"#{object.last_name} #{object.first_name}"
Displays the currently logged in user (current_user) with the full name.
#In the View file where you want to use the method
<%= current_user.decorate.full_name %>
With the above procedure, you have installed the decorator using gem'draper'. If you get an error in this flow, please try to solve it while looking at the reference materials.
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