This is an excerpt from the Ruby on Rails 5 Quick Learning Practice Guide that can be used in the field.
Command name | Explanation |
rails new app_name | Create a new Rails app |
rails new app_name -m Atelier-Mirai/rengeso/ main/rengeso.rb |
Rails app creation from template |
rails -h | Show Rails help |
rails -v | Show Rails version |
rails s | Server startup |
rails s -p 3001 | Start another server |
rails c | Console launch |
rails c -s | Console launch(sandbox) |
rails db | Start database console |
show-routes --grep user | (Run in console) Show routing for user |
show-model User | (Run in console) User model attribute display |
rails g migration CreateBooks title:string describe:text |
Creating a migration file template |
rails g model Book title:string describe:text | model(And migration files)Template creation |
rails g controller Books index new create | controller(And views, helpers Creating a template for assets and test files) |
rails g scaffold Book title:string describe:text | Create a set of models, controllers, etc. |
rails d scaffold Book | Delete a set of models, controllers, etc. |
rails db:create | Database creation |
rails db:drop | Database deletion |
rails db:migrate | Execution of migration file |
rails db:seed | db/seed.Input data by rb |
rails r sample.rb | Execution of Ruby code. Used for batch processing using models. |
rails stats | Various statistics display of Rails application |
rails g system_test users | Creating a system test template |
rails test test/system/users_test.rb | Run specific system tests |
rails test:system | (All of)Run system tests |
rails g test_unit:model user | Creating a model test template |
rails test test/models/user_test.rb | Run a specific model test |
rails test | (Other than system testing)Run the test |
[Ruby on Rails 5 quick learning practice guide that can be used in the field]( Can be used in the field-Ruby-Rails-5 quick learning practice guide-Neiko Oba / dp / 4839962227)
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