Basic Rails commands you want to learn

Basic Rails commands you want to learn

This is an excerpt from the Ruby on Rails 5 Quick Learning Practice Guide that can be used in the field.

Command name Explanation
rails new app_name Create a new Rails app
rails new app_name -m
Rails app creation from template
rails -h Show Rails help
rails -v Show Rails version
rails s Server startup
rails s -p 3001 Start another server
rails c Console launch
rails c -s Console launch(sandbox)
rails db Start database console
show-routes --grep user (Run in console)
Show routing for user
show-model User (Run in console)
User model attribute display
rails g migration
CreateBooks title:string describe:text
Creating a migration file template
rails g model Book title:string describe:text model(And migration files)Template creation
rails g controller Books index new create controller(And views, helpers
Creating a template for assets and test files)
rails g scaffold Book title:string describe:text Create a set of models, controllers, etc.
rails d scaffold Book Delete a set of models, controllers, etc.
rails db:create Database creation
rails db:drop Database deletion
rails db:migrate Execution of migration file
rails db:seed db/seed.Input data by rb
rails r sample.rb Execution of Ruby code.
Used for batch processing using models.
rails stats Various statistics display of Rails application
rails g system_test users Creating a system test template
rails test test/system/users_test.rb Run specific system tests
rails test:system (All of)Run system tests
rails g test_unit:model user Creating a model test template
rails test test/models/user_test.rb Run a specific model test
rails test (Other than system testing)Run the test


[Ruby on Rails 5 quick learning practice guide that can be used in the field]( Can be used in the field-Ruby-Rails-5 quick learning practice guide-Neiko Oba / dp / 4839962227)

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