[RUBY] [rails] How to display parent information in child view in nested relationships

Thing you want to do

Premise ・ Order information does not hold without Item information (Order has an item_id column (which item information does it point to?)) (Parent) item table> (child) order table.

Invoke the index action on the order controller (index.html.erb) How do you describe if you want to display the item information of (parent)?

order table item_id:1 user_id:3 The stuffed animal 4000 yen and the user_id are tied together ...


config/routes.Description of rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
   devise_for :users
  root  'items#index'
  resources :items do
    resources :orders, only: [:create, :index]

1. Describe the relationship between parent items> child orders in routes.rb

resources :items do
    resources :orders, only: [:create, :index]

Now you can specify the relationship of (parent) item> (child) order. Can be nested

2. Write @item = Item.find (params [item_id]) in the orders controller

def index
     @item = Item.find(params[:item_id])

Put the item table information in the @item box. Which item table information to specify can be specified by [: item_id] Assign the item information selected by the user to @item

3. Write @item in the view file of order # index

order controller index.html.Described in erb
<%= @item.item_name %>

Now extract the data from the (parent) item table (Child) It can be displayed in the view of index.html.erb of the order controller.


It's a confusing summary In short, if you want to extract the information of the parent table and display it in the child view If you use nesting to show the relationship and write params [: parent_id] in the child controller The content was that information could be extracted from the parent and displayed in the child's view.

It's my lack of power that I can't put together well ... It may be easier to understand if specific images and table information are attached.

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