Introduction of drawing code for figures with a certain degree of perfection of meteorological data

This article is the 11th day of Student LT Advent Calendar 2019 --Qiita.

Hello. I am a graduate student majoring in atmospheric science.

This time, as you can see in the previous article, I focused on drawing weather data using Python. The drawing code to be introduced is available on GitHub, so if you are interested, please download it.


The following articles were found in relation to the drawing and handling of meteorological data.

  1. Visualize GRIB2 on a map with Cartopy
  2. Visualize grib2 on a map with python (matplotlib)

It is very easy to understand, but both are just an introduction to drawing one element.

I would like to differentiate from the above article by introducing the code from organizing the data of the figure with a certain degree of perfection to drawing as shown below.

Click here for the rendering to be created this time. The target captures the case of Typhoon Lionrock 2016.

・ Fig. 1 ・ Fig. 2
GPV_elem_201608210600-201608310000.gif typhoon_strength2000-2019_track_1610.png

Introduction of each figure

I will introduce my own interpretation of the figure. (... demand may be low)

We are drawing a combination of meteorological elements from 06:00 on August 21, 2016 to 00:00 on August 31, 2016. The contour represents the altitude field, the blue vector represents the wind speed field of 10 m / s or more, and the diagonal line + yellow part represents the particularly strong cyclone part in the specified altitude field.

→ You can see how the power is gradually expanding before landing.

Hexagrid expresses which point the typhoon has passed through for the last 20 years (2000-2019). In addition, the plot shows a specific typhoon path, and this time the path of typhoon No. 10 in 2016 is plotted according to Fig. 1.

→ It can be read from the hexagrid that most of the typhoons so far have passed near the eastern side of Taiwan and moved northward and approached Japan, but it was confirmed that typhoon No. 10 in 2016 was a special route. I can do it.

Data to prepare

It can be obtained from Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH). I will. Please see Weather Line Support Center for detailed grid information and delivery time.

We provide data for educational and research institutes. If you frequently need data for corporate activities, please purchase the data directly from the Meteorological Business Support Center and cooperate in the maintenance and development of the entire data provision scheme. (Quoted from the site)

The data used this time is the data obtained from the above site, and the data of east-west wind, north-south wind, vertical wind, temperature, and altitude field are cut out in binary format using wgirb2.

The cut out data format is described in Fortran90. ... for reference only.


 integer, parameter :: nx = 720, ny = 361, np = 12
 integer, parameter :: elem = 5
 real(4)            :: gpv(elem, hgt, nx, ny)
 real(4)            :: pr(hgt)

 character(4)       :: elem_list(elem)

 data pr / 1000., 925., 850., 700., 600., 500., 400., 300., 250., 200., 150., 100. /
 data elem_list / "U   ", "V   ", "W   ", "T   ", "Z   " /

 open(*, fille=*, form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=4*nx*ny*np*elem) 

It can be obtained by year from Japan Meteorological Agency. Information from the occurrence of a typhoon to an extratropical cyclone is provided at 6-hour intervals.

Execution code

I hope you read both codes based on main_driver. If you want to execute it, please change the PATH setting.

Meteorological element drawing code (Fig. 1)

First, I will introduce the code that draws the weather element.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2019.12.11
@author: Toyo_Daichi

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

class mapping:
	def __init__(self):

	def gpv_data_coef(self):
		nx, ny, hgt = 720, 361, 12
		elem   = 5 
		return nx, ny, hgt, elem

	def prj_coef(self, nx, ny):
		dx, dy = 0.5, 0.5
		lon, lat = [], []
		for ix in range(nx):
			lon += [ float('{:.2f}'.format(dx*ix)) ]
		for iy in range(ny):
			lat += [ float('{:.2f}'.format(-90. + dy*iy)) ]

		X, Y = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

		return X, Y

	def preparating_data(self, yyyy, mm, dd, hh):
		time_list = []
		num_time_list = len(time_list)
		month_thirtyone = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 ]
		month_thirty    = [ 4, 6, 9, 11 ]
		month_twntynine = [ 2 ]

		while num_time_list < 40:
			time_list.append(str(yyyy) + str('%02d' % mm) + str('%02d' % dd) + str('%02d' % hh) + '00')
			hh = hh - 6
			if hh < 0 and dd == 1:
				mm, hh = mm - 1, 18
				if mm in month_thirty:
					dd = 30
				elif mm in month_thirtyone:
					dd = 31
				elif mm in month_twntynine:
					if yyyy % 4 == 0:
						dd = 28
						dd =29

			elif hh < 0:
				dd, hh = dd - 1, 18

			num_time_list += 1

		return time_list

	def setup_gpv_filelist(self, path, time_list):
		filelist = []
		for i_file in time_list:
			filelist.append(path + '/data')
		return filelist 

	def open_gpv_filelist(self, gpv_filelist, nx, ny, hgt, elem):
		data = [ []*i for i in range(len(gpv_filelist)) ]
		for num_gpv, gpv_file in enumerate(gpv_filelist):
			with open(gpv_file, 'rb') as ifile:
				elem: 1-u, 2-v, 3-w, 4-tmp, 5-height
				data[num_gpv] = np.fromfile(ifile, dtype='>f', sep = '').reshape(elem, hgt, ny, nx)
				print('..... Preparating data for ' + gpv_file, ', shapes :: ', data[num_gpv].shape)
		return data		

	def main_mapping_tool(self, mode, path, time_list, nx, ny, *, gpv_datalist='None', snap_step=0, level='1000'):

		fig, ax = plt.subplots()
		outpath = path + '/fig/' 
		lat_min, lat_max = 17, 50
		lon_min, lon_max = 120, 155
		mapping = Basemap( projection='lcc', resolution="i", lat_0=35, lon_0=140, fix_aspect=(1,1), llcrnrlat=lat_min, urcrnrlat=lat_max, llcrnrlon=lon_min, urcrnrlon=lon_max )

		mapping.drawcoastlines(color='black', linewidth=0.5)
		mapping.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 5),  labels=[False, True, False, True], fontsize='small', color='gray', linewidth=0.5)
		mapping.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 5), labels=[True, False, False, True], fontsize='small', color='gray', linewidth=0.5)

		lon_list, lat_list = self.prj_coef(nx, ny)
		x, y = mapping(lon_list, lat_list)

		if mode == 1 or mode == 2:

			if level == "1000":
				hPa, min_list = 0, [0, 200]
			elif level == "925":
				hPa, min_list = 1, [0, 600]
			elif level == "850":
				hPa, min_list = 2, [0, 750]
			elif level == "700":
				hPa, min_list = 3, [0, 1500]
			elif level == "600":
				hPa, min_list = 4, "None"
			elif level == "500":
				hPa, min_list = 5, "None"
			elif level == "400":
				hPa, min_list = 6, "None"
			elif level == "300":
				hPa, min_list = 7, "None"
			elif level == "250":
				hPa, min_list = 8, "None"
			elif level == "200":
				hPa, min_list = 9, "None"
			elif level == "150":
				hPa, min_list = 10, "None"
			elif level == "100":
				hPa, min_list = 11, "None"

			gpv_u_data = gpv_datalist[snap_step][0][hPa]
			gpv_v_data = gpv_datalist[snap_step][1][hPa]
			speed = np.sqrt(gpv_u_data*gpv_u_data + gpv_v_data*gpv_v_data)
			speed_list = list(range(0, 50, 25)) 
			gpv_height_data = gpv_datalist[snap_step][4][hPa]
			num_list = list(range(0, 7500, 10))

			contour = mapping.contour(x, y, gpv_height_data, linewidths=0.25, linestyles='-', levels=num_list, colors='m')
			contour.clabel(fmt='%1.1f', fontsize=6.5)

			if not min_list == "None":
				lines = mapping.contourf(x, y, gpv_height_data, min_list, alpha=0.5, hatches=['///'], lw=1., zorder=0, edgecolor='r', colors="y")

			for i_nx, i_ny in itertools.product(range(nx), range(ny)):
				if speed[i_ny][i_nx] > 10 and lon_min <= lon_list[i_ny][i_nx] <= lon_max and lat_min <= lat_list[i_ny][i_nx] <= lat_max:
					print('...... Halfway step, ', i_nx, i_ny, speed[i_ny][i_nx])
					vector = mapping.quiver(x[i_ny][i_nx], y[i_ny][i_nx], gpv_u_data[i_ny][i_nx], gpv_v_data[i_ny][i_nx], color='c', units='dots', scale=2.0, alpha=0.6)
			plt.title(time_list[snap_step] + ' @GSM ' + level + 'hPa' , loc='left', fontsize=10)
			plt.quiverkey(vector, 0.75, 0.9, 10, '10 m/s', labelpos='W', coordinates='figure')

			plt.savefig(outpath + 'GPV_elem_' + time_list[snap_step] + '.png')
			print('...... Saving fig :: ', outpath + 'GPV_elem_' + time_list[snap_step] + '.png')

	def main_driver(self, mode, indir, time_list, level):
		nx, ny, hgt, elem = self.gpv_data_coef()

		gpv_filelist = self.setup_gpv_filelist(indir, time_list)
		gpv_datalist = self.open_gpv_filelist(gpv_filelist, nx, ny, hgt, elem)

		if mode == 1:
			snap_step = 0
			self.main_mapping_tool(mode, indir, time_list, nx, ny, gpv_datalist=gpv_datalist, level=level, snap_step=snap_step)
		elif mode == 2:
			for snap_step in range(len(gpv_datalist)):
				self.main_mapping_tool(mode, indir, time_list, nx, ny, gpv_datalist=gpv_datalist, level=level, snap_step=snap_step)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	mapp = mapping()

	#input dir
	indir = '/your_directory/'

	#target time
	yyyy, mm, dd, hh = 2016, 8, 31, 0
	time_list = mapp.preparating_data(yyyy, mm, dd, hh)

	Target altitude list
	1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 hPa
	level = '925' 

	#choose mode, if you append new func. more anynum. 
	mode 1: Normal weather element info at GPV GSM snap shot.
	mode 2: Normal weather element info at GPV GSM gif.
	mode = 1

	mapp.main_driver(mode, indir, time_list, level)

The points I devised with this code were as follows.

Typhoon track drawing code (Fig. 2)

Next, I will introduce the degree of typhoon course for the past 20 years and the code that created the course of a specific typhoon.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2019.12.11
@author: Toyo_Daichi

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

class mapping:

	def __init__(self):

	def setup_csv_filelist(self, path, *, year='*'):
		filelist = []
		filelist = glob.glob(path + 'table' + str(year) + '.csv')
		return filelist

	def open_csv_filelist(self, csv_filelist, *, typhoon_number='None'):
		csv_datalist = [ []*i for i in range(len(csv_filelist)) ]
		list_num     = list(range(11)) 
		list_option  = ( 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour(UTC)', 'typhoon_number', 'typhoon_name', 'rank','latitude', 'longitude', 'central_pressure', 'max_wind')
		for num_file, infile in enumerate(csv_filelist):
			print('..... Preparating data for ' + str(num_file) + ' ' + str(infile))
			tmp_data = pd.read_csv(infile, usecols=list_num, skiprows=1, names=list_option, sep=',')
			if typhoon_number == "None":
				tmp_lat_list  = tmp_data['latitude'].values.tolist()
				tmp_lon_list = tmp_data['longitude'].values.tolist()
				tmp_centpre_list = tmp_data['central_pressure'].values.tolist()

				csv_datalist = []
				specific_data = tmp_data.query('typhoon_number == %s' % typhoon_number) 
				tmp_lat_list  = specific_data['latitude'].values.tolist()
				tmp_lon_list = specific_data['longitude'].values.tolist()
				tmp_centpre_list = specific_data['central_pressure'].values.tolist()

		return csv_datalist

	def main_mapping_tool(self, path, csv_datalist, csv_specific_datalist='None', typhoon_info='None'):
		fig, ax = plt.subplots()
		outpath = path + '/fig/' 

		lat_min, lat_max = 17, 50
		lon_min, lon_max = 120, 155

		mapping = Basemap( projection='lcc', resolution="i", lat_0=35, lon_0=140, fix_aspect=(1,1), llcrnrlat=lat_min, urcrnrlat=lat_max, llcrnrlon=lon_min, urcrnrlon=lon_max )

		mapping.drawcoastlines(color='black', linewidth=0.5)
		mapping.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 5),  labels=[False, True, False, True], fontsize='small', color='gray', linewidth=0.5)
		mapping.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 5), labels=[True, False, False, True], fontsize='small', color='gray', linewidth=0.5)

		full_lat_list  = list(map(lambda x: x[0], csv_datalist))
		full_lon_list  = list(map(lambda x: x[1], csv_datalist))
		full_lat_list = np.sum(full_lat_list, axis=0)
		full_lon_list = np.sum(full_lon_list, axis=0)
		lat_list, lon_list = [], []
		for i_num in range(len(full_lat_list)):
			if(lat_min <= full_lat_list[i_num] <= lat_max and lon_min <= full_lon_list[i_num] <= lon_max):

		x, y = mapping(lon_list, lat_list)
		hexbin = mapping.hexbin(np.array(x), np.array(y), gridsize=[30, 30], cmap='Blues', edgecolors='gray', mincnt=8)

		if not csv_specific_datalist == "None":
			specific_lat_list, specific_lon_list = csv_specific_datalist[0], csv_specific_datalist[1]
			specific_centpre_list = csv_specific_datalist[2]

			lat_list, lon_list, centpre_list = [], [], []
			for i_num in range(len(specific_lon_list)):
				if(lat_min <= specific_lat_list[i_num] <= lat_max and lon_min <= specific_lon_list[i_num] <= lon_max):

			case_x, case_y = mapping(lon_list, lat_list)

			mapping.plot(case_x, case_y, linewidth=0.5, color='red', ls='--', marker='o', ms=2)

		cbar = plt.colorbar(hexbin)
		cbar.set_label('number', fontsize=8)
		if not csv_specific_datalist == "None":
			plt.title('Course of typhoon 2000-2019' + ', ' + 'Typhoon track: ' + str(typhoon_info[1]), loc='left', fontsize=9)
			plt.title('Course of typhoon 2000-2019', loc='left', fontsize=10)
		plt.savefig(outpath + 'typhoon_strength2000-2019' + '_track_' + str(typhoon_info[1]) + '.png')
		print('..... savefig ' + outpath + 'typhoon_strength2000-2019' + '_track_' + str(typhoon_info[1]) + '.png')

	def main_driver(self, indir, *, typhoon_info='None'):
		csv_filelist = self.setup_csv_filelist(indir)
		csv_datalist = self.open_csv_filelist(csv_filelist)
		csv_datalist.shape = [year][latitude][longitude][central_pressure]

		if not typhoon_info == "None": 
			print('..... Check specific case filelist')
			csv_specific_filelist = self.setup_csv_filelist(indir, year=typhoon_info[0])
			csv_specific_datalist = self.open_csv_filelist(csv_specific_filelist, typhoon_number=typhoon_info[1])
			self.main_mapping_tool(indir, csv_datalist, csv_specific_datalist=csv_specific_datalist, typhoon_info=typhoon_info)
			self.main_mapping_tool(indir, csv_datalist)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	mapp = mapping()

	#input dir
	indir = '/your_directory/'

	If you want to write a specific typhoon route, enter the typhoon information.
	typhoon_info = [year, typhoon_number]
	typhoon_info = [2016, 1610]

	mapp.main_driver(indir, typhoon_info=typhoon_info)

	print('Normal END')

The points I devised with this code were as follows.

Usage environment used this time

I'm sorry to describe the environment.




The code I created is small, but I've made some ingenuity in my own way, so I'd like to introduce it in the future. If you find out how to write better, please let us know in the comments.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Referenced site

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