Java Basic Learning Content 6 (Inheritance / Abstract Class / Interface)


Define a new class based on the existing class. (Original class = superclass, newly defined class = subclass At this time, the methods and fields of the superclass are inherited.


class SubClass extends SuperClass {

Subclasses can be overridden to override the superclass method processing


class SubClass extends SupreClass {
  @Override methodA() {
    super.methodA(); //Execute processing of existing method

The following conditions must be met in order to override. -The method name and arguments are the same. -The return value must be the same as the original method or a subclass -The access modifier is the same as or wider than the original method. -The method must not have the final modifier.

Abstract class

A class that contains methods that do not define what to do.

Abstract class

abstract class AbsClass {
  public abstract void methodA();


A class that defines the methods that need to be implemented.


public interface InterfaceSampl(){
  public abstract void methodA();
  default void methodB(){

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