Java basic grammar

** type **

Regarding the type

Regarding type conversion

graph LR

Variables and constants

** Declaration **

/*Variable declaration*/
boolean varA; //Declaration only
varA = true; //Substitution only
Class varI //Declaration only(Reference type)
varI = new Class() //Substitution only(Reference type) 

/*Constant declaration*/
static final data_type varJ = valA; // (static + )final modifier


** Fixed length array **

data_typeA[] arrayA = new data_typeA[index_max_value];
data_typeB[] arrayB = {valA, valB, valC, valD, valE};
data_typeC[] arrayC = new data_typeC[] {valF, valG, valH};
data_typeD arrayD[]; //In the variable name[]Can be attached
// X arrayD = {valI, valJ, varl}
arrayD = new data_typeD[]{valI, valJ, varl}
data_type[][] arrayE; //2D array → date_type[] arrayE[]It may be.
arrayE = new date_typeE[i][]; //The second subscript can be omitted. The first is not possible.

/*arrays class*/
Arrays.toString(arrayD); // "[valI, valJ, vall]"
Arrays.sort(arrayD);     // {vall, valJ, valI}

** Variable length array (collection) **

/* List(interface) */
// X List<data_typeA> listA = new List<>();
List<data_typeA> listA =  new ArrayList<>();
List<data_typeB> listB =  new LinkedList<>();
List<data_typeC> listC =  new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
List<data_typeD> listD = Arrays.asList(valA, valB); //Reading only
listD.add(valD);         //Add to the end
listD.add(indexA, valE); //Insert in the middle
listD.set(indexA, valF); //Replacement
listD.get(indexA);       //Get value
listD.indexOf(valF);     //Get position
listD.size();            //Get the number of elements
listD.contains(valF);    //Confirmation of existence
listD.remove(valF);      //Delete

/* ---Below is the implementation class of List------------------------------- */
/* ArrayList ..Strong in search*/
//If you want to use a method that exists only in ArrayList, declare it below.(The same applies below)
ArrayList<data_typeE> listE =  new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList listF = (ArrayList<data_typeE>)listE.clone(); //copy

/* LinkedList ..add to/Strong against deletion*/
LinkedList<data_typeG> listG =  new LinkedList<>();
listG.push(); //Add to the beginning
listG.pop();  //Delete from the beginning

/* CopyOnWriteArrayList ..No synchronization required/Strong against multithreading*/
CopyOnWriteArrayList<data_typeH> listH =  new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

** Associative array (collection) **

/* Map(interface) */
// X Map<Integer, data_typeA> mapA = new Map<>();
Map<Integer, data_typeA> mapA = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, data_typeB> mapB = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<Integer, data_typeC> mapC = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map<Integer, data_typeD> mapD = new TreeMap<>();

mapA.put(keyA, valA);     //Add to the end
mapA.put(keyA, valB);     //Replacement
mapA.get(keyA);           //Get value
mapA.size();              //Get the number of elements
mapA.containsKey(keyA);   //Key search
mapA.containsValue(valB); //Search for value
mapA.remove(keyA);        //Delete

/* ---Map implementation class below------------------------------- */
/* HashMap ...Strong in search*/
HashMap<Integer, data_typeE> mapE = new HashMap<>();

/* LinkedHashMap ..Keep the order of insertion*/
LinkedHashMap<Integer, data_typeF> mapF = new LinkedHashMap<>();

/* ConcurrentHashMap ..No synchronization required/Strong against multithreading*/
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, data_typeG> mapG = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

/* TreeMap ..Subset that is conscious of the size of the key*/
TreeMap<Integer, data_typeH> mapH = new TreeMap<>();

** Set (Collection) **

// X Set<data_typeA> setA =  new Set<>();
Set<data_typeA> setA =  new HashSet<>();
Set<data_typeB> setB =  new LinkedHashSet<>();
Set<data_typeC> setC =  new TreeSet<>();
Set<data_typeD> setD =  new HashSet<>(ListA); // List->Set

setD.add(valA);      //Add value/Overwrite
setD.remove(valB);   //Delete value
setD.size();         //Get the number of elements
setD.contains(valC); //Search for value

/* ---Implementation class of Set below------------------------------- */
/* HashSet ..Strong in search*/
HashSet<data_typeA> setA =  new HashSet<>();

/* LinkedHashSet ..add to/Strong against deletion*/
LinkedHashSet<data_typeB> setB =  new LinkedHashSet<>();

/* TreeSet ..Subset that is conscious of the size of the key*/
TreeSet<data_typeC> setC =  new TreeSet<>();


Queue and its implementation ... FIFO
Queue<data_typeA> queueA = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(intA);
queueA.offer(valA); //add to
queueA.peek();      //output
queueA.poll();      //output/Delete
Deque and its implementation ... An extension of the Queue. Can be added or deleted from both ends.
//LinkedList is an implementation of List and Deque
Deque<data_typeA> dequeA = new LinkedList<>();
dequeA.offerFirst(valA); //Add value to the beginning
dequeA.offerLast(valB);  //Add value to the end
dequeA.peekFirst(valC);  //Output of first value
dequeA.peekLast(valD);   //Output of trailing value
dequeA.pollFirst(valE);  //Output of first value/Delete
dequeA.pollLast(valF);   //Output of trailing value/Delete

Reference: [Java] Stack queue memo


** If statement **

if (conditionA){ 
    statementA //Statement, processing
} else if (conditionB) {
    statementB //Statement, processing
} else if (!conditionC) {
    statementC //Statement, processing
} else {
    statementD //Statement, processing

/* {}abridgement...Only one line can be written in the nest*/
if (conditionA)
    statementA //Statement, processing
    statementB //Statement, processing

** switch statement **

switch (varA) {
    case valA:     // varA =For valA
        statementA //Statement, processing
        //break statement...End of code block execution
    case valB:
    case valC:     // varA = valB,For valC
        statementB //Statement, processing
    case default   // varA = valA,valB,Other than valC
        statementC //Statement, processing
	/*There is no limit to the order of cases. default can be at the beginning(not recommended) */


** For statement **

/*Repeat the sentence a specified number of times*/
for (data_type varA = valA; varA <= valB; valC++) {
    statementA //Statement, processing
/* for(int a, int b, a < 3, a++, method()){like
Multiple initial values and update values can be defined. The updated value can also be called a method) */

/*Repeat from array collection*/
for (data_type varB : collectionA) {
    statementB //Statement, processing

/*Combination of for Each and lambda expression(Output the elements of collectionB) */
collectionB.forEach(varC -> System.out.println(varC)); 

** While statement (Do-While statement) **

/*Repeat while conditional expression is True*/
while (conditionA) {
    statementA //Statement, processing

do { 
    statementB //Statement, processing
} while (conditionB);

/*When repeating until the conditional expression becomes True*/
while (!conditionC){
    statementC //Statement, processing

do { 
    statementD //Statement, processing
} while (conditionD);

** Break statement and Continue statement **

X: //label
while (conditionA) {
        case valA: // statementA,Go through B
            statementA //Statement, processing
        case valB: //Only statement B passes
            statementB //Statement, processing
            /*break statement...End of code block execution*/
		case valC:
		    break X; //1st line "X:Jump to(Exit While)
            statementC //Statement, processing
            /*continue statement...Move execution control to the next iteration*/

Exception handling ... Check for errors

/* try ...Target processing*/
/* catch ...Exception handling*/
} catch (xxxException e){
	e.printStackTrace();    //Exception message(Basic this)
	e.getClass().getName(); //Exception class name only
	e.getMessage();         //Exception detail message only
	StackTraceElement[] ste = e.getStackTrace(); //List of exceptions
/* finally ... try/After catch(try/Even if there is a return in catch)A process that must be performed.*/
} finally{
	statementB //Statement, processing
// try-catch-The order of finally cannot be changed. try-catch, try-Optional such as finally.

/*throw phrase...Forced generation of exceptions*/
throw new ExceptionClassA();

/*throws clause...Pass the error to the caller*/
public class Main throws Exception { //If you attach it to main, there will be some exceptions

Exception type

class Overview Occurrence timing
Error Errors that cannot be dealt with by the program, such as problems in the execution environment runtime(Non-inspection item)
Exception - RuntimeException Exception that can be prevented if the program is written correctly runtime(Non-inspection item)
Exception -Other than those above Exception that cannot be prevented even if the program is written correctly. throws required At compile time(Inspection item)


** Class Basics **

package	scope1.packageA;   //Package declaration
import scopeB.libC;        //Import libC from another package B
import static scopeC.libD.methodA; //Static import methodA method of libD of another package C

public class ClassA{
    /*Method called at the beginning*/
	//Other argument patterns for main(String... args), (String args[])
	public static void main(String[] args){
		ClassB instanceA = new ClassB("naiyo");

private class ClassB{
	private data_type _fieldA;
	/*static initializer...Static access, instantiation, etc.
First run when the class is loaded for the first time*/
	static {
        //Initialization process etc.

	/*Initialization block...First run every time an instance is created*/
		//Initialization process, etc.

	/*constructor...First run every time an instance is created*/
        this._fieldA = "";

    /*The order is static initializer->Initialization block->constructor*/

	data_type setMethodA(data_type varB){
		this._fieldA = varB; //Argument and field name are the same

	data_type getMethodA(){
		return this._fieldA;

** Modifier **

/*Access modifier*/
private class1{}         //Only accessible from the same class
protected class class1{} //Only from the same class and subclass
class class1{}           //Only from the same package
public class class1{}    //From all classes

/*Other modifiers*/
abstract      //Abstract class, abstract method
static        //name of the class.Can be called by a member,Inaccessible to non-static members
final         //Will not be overwritten(constant)
synchronized  //Perform exclusive control for multiple processes
native        //Native class, native method
strictfp      //Operate floating point numbers according to IEEE754
transient     //Excluded from serialization
volatile      //Suppress field value cache
const         //Multilingual constant modifier, not used in Java

@Deprecated       //Clarified as deprecated
@Override         //Clarify that you are overwriting
@SuppressWarning  //Suppress warning display

public protected private
abstract static final synchronized native strictfp

** Inheritance (polymorphism) **

** Basics of inheritance **

/*Parent class*/
protected class ClassA{
	protected data_type fieldA;
	protected Class1(data_type varA){ //Parent class constructor
        this.fieldA = varA;
	protected void methodA(data_type varB){ //Parent class method

/*Child class*/
public class ClassB extends ClassA{
	public ClassB(data_type varC){ //Child class constructor
		super(varC); //Call the constructor of the parent class
	@Override //Override modifier(As mentioned above)
	public void methodA(data_type var2){
    	statementB //Statement, processing

Abstract class ... I want to implement a template and common processing

/*Abstract class*/
protected abstract class ClassA{
	protected data_type fieldA;
	public Class1(data_type varA){
		this.fieldA = varA
	//Prerequisite method to be overridden(Abstract method)
	public abstract void methodA(data_type varB); 
/*Child class*/
protected abstract class ClassB{
	public abstract void methodA(data_type varB){
    	statementA //Statement, processing

Interface ... Only abstract methods and constants can be defined (principle)

public interface InterfaceA{
	/*Basically, the types are listed as follows.*/
	data_type CONST_A = "CONST_A"; //public static final is optional
	data_type methodA(data_type varA);

	/* ----Added from Java 8 below. Personally deprecated(Because it's complicated) ---- */
	//default method...Something like a regular method of an abstract class
	default void methodB(data_type varB){
    	statementA //Statement, processing
	//static method...Can be called without an instance
	public static methodC(data_type varC){
    	statementB //Statement, processing

/*Child class*/
public class ClassB extends InterfaceA{
	public static void main(String[] args){		
		public static methodB(data_type varB){
			// X ClassB.methodC
			// X @Override methodC

** Various classes **

** Generics class (template) **

public class GenericClassA<TYPE>{
	private TYPE _fieldA;
	GenericClassA(TYPE varA){
		this._fieldA = varA;
	TYPE setMethodA(TYPE varB){
		this._fieldA = varB;
	TYPE getMethodA(){
		return this._fieldA;

/*Generic method*/
public class ClassA{
	public static <TYPE> ArrayList<TYPE> GenericMethodA(TYPE val1){

** Inner class **

public class ClassA{
	/*static member class... */
	static class MemberClassA{}

	/*Non-static member class... */
	class MemberClassB{}

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		/*Local class... */
		class LocalClassC{
			public void localMethod(){}
		LocalClassC localClassC = new LocalClassC();

		/*Anonymous class...Can be defined and instantiated at the same time*/
		//Anonymous class that inherits from ArrayList type
		List<data_typeC> list = new ArrayList<data_typeC>() {
			public data_typeC method3() {
				statements //Statement, processing

public class ClassB{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		//static member class call
		ClassA.MemberClassA cAcA = new ClassA.MemberClassA();
		//Non-static member class call
		ClassA cA = new ClassA();
		ClassA.MemberClassB cAcB = MemberClassB();

** Module (Java 9) **

module moduleA{ // module-info.Described in a file called java.
    export moduleA.lib; //Publish the library in this module
    requires moduleB;   //Describe the modules required by this module

Reference: Learn Module System / Java Modules

public enum EnumA{
	elmA, elmB;
	/*application-Add members, variables and methods*/
	elmC(0), elmD(1);
	private final int fieldA;
	private setElmA(int varA){
        this.fieldA = varA;
	public int getVal(){
        return fieldA;
	public void outVal(){ // values() ..List of all enum elements
		for (Enum2 enums : values()) { 
			System.out.println(enums.getVal()); // 0, 1

** Lambda expression (Java 8) **

How to write

/* (args) -> { statements //Statement, processing} */
//In one case args-> statements
Collections.sort(listA, (a,b) -> {return b - a;});

Method reference

/*Static method(class::method)*/
// list.forEach(i -> String.toString(i)));

/*Member method(this::method) */
// list.forEach(i -> this.toString(i)));

/*Generic method(class::<type> method) */
// list.forEach(i -> ClassA<typeA> methodA(i);));
list.forEach(ClassA::<typeA> methodA);

/*Instance method(object::method) */
// list.forEach(i -> System.out.print(i));

/*constructor(class::new) */
ClassA instanceA = classA::new;

Functional interface
... If only one abstract method is defined, etc., it can be assigned to a lambda expression or method reference.

public interface FuncInterfaceA {
	public data_typeA method(data_typeA varA);

/*Major standard functional interface*/
// Function.apply()Convert value
Function<String, Integer> func = x -> x.length();
System.out.println(func.apply("mojisu")); // 6

// Predicate.test()Make a judgment
Predicate<Integer> condA = i -> i != 0 ;
Predicate<Integer> condB = i -> i % 2 == 0 ;
condA.test(2);            // true
condA.negate().test(1);   // false (negate..denial)
condA.or(condB).test(1);  // true  (or judgment)
condA.and(condB).test(1); // false (and judgment)

// Supplier.get()Returns a value with no arguments
Supplier nowTime = () ->;
System.out.println(nowTime.get()); // 2020-01-22 12:34:56

// Consumer.accept()Process based on arguments
Consumer<String> printA = str -> {
	System.out.println("printA: " + str);
Consumer<String> printA = str -> {
	System.out.println("printB: " + str);
Consumer<String> printAll = printA.andThen(printB); //Join
printAll.accept("" + System.currentTimeMillis());

Reference: Understanding Java 8 lambda expressions / [Java functional interface]( tech / java / functionalinterface.html)

** Stream API (Java 8) **

//Generate Stream
Stream<data_typeA> streamA =; // stream()Put on
IntStream intStreamA = IntStream.range(1,5); //Create Stream from numbers
//Intermediate operation
streamA.filter(p -> p.length() > 5); //Narrow down -> "[" + p + "]"); //replace
//Termination operation
List<data_typeB> listB = streamA.collect(Collectors.toList()); //conversion

/*One liner*/
	.filter(p -> p.length() > 5)
	.map(p -> "[" + p + "]")

Intermediate operation method

Method Processing content Example
map Replace element with another value .map(s-> s.getMethod())
flatmap Combine Streams of elements .flatmap(s ->
filter Narrow down matching elements .filter(s -> s.equals(1)
limit Narrow down to the specified number .limit(2)
distinct Narrow down to unique elements .distinct()
sorted Sort elements .sorted((s1,s2) -> s2-s1)
range Make a sequence without including the trailing value IntStream.range(1,5)
rangeClosed Make a sequence including the last value IntStream.rangeClosed(1,5)

Termination operation method

Method Processing content Example
forEach Iterate .forEach(System.out::println);
collect Create results .collect(Collectors.toList());
toArray Convert to an array .toArray(String[]::new);
reduce Aggregate values .reduce((val1,val2) -> val1.add(val2));
toList Return as List .collect(Collectors.toList());
toSet Return as Set .collect(Collectors.toSet());
joining Combine with delimiter .collect(Collectors.joining(","));
groupingBy Group elements .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(s -> s.length()));

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