[Java] Data type ①-Basic type

Java variables


//Bad example
int price = 1000;
double sum = price * 1.08;
//Refactoring example
final double TAX = 1.08;
int price = 1000;
double sum = price * TAX;

Java data type

Integer type: Use basic int

Floating point type: use basic double

Character type

Boolean value (boolean, logical type)

Type inference

What is a literal?

Integer literal

Floating point literal

Type suffix

  • If you do not use numeric literals, integers are ints and floating point numbers are double.
  • Used when you are in trouble if the data type is decided arbitrarily
  • Add a shoulder suffix to a numeric literal
  • System.out.println (2147483648L); // in the long range

Numerical separator (delimiter)

  • To improve the readability of characters with a large number of digits
  • var pi = 3.141_592_653_59;
  • Note that methods that receive numeric strings (such as Integer.parseInt) cannot recognize separators.

Character literal

  • Expressed as a single quote
  • unicode characters are multiplied by hexadecimal character code in \ u3042 format.

String literal

  • Expressed in double quotes
  • Use escape sequences when you want to put double quotes inside
System.out.println("You are \"GREATE\" !");
System.out.println("Welcome to wherever you are \nThis is your life, you made it this far");
var str = "Welcome, you got to believe " + "That right here, right now"; //Separated for readability improvement

Type conversion

Statically typed but type conversion allowed

  • ** Dilation **
  • int to long
  • Note that conversion from an integer to a floating point may cause mold loss.
  • ** Reduced conversion (cast, explicit conversion) **
  • Explicitly indicate the intention of conversion
  • Note that the sign may change due to the conversion between int and short.
int i = 10;
// byte b = i ; //NG
byte b  = (byte)i ; //OK 

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