Java study # 1 (typical type)

Existence of reserved words

** Existence of typical types **

--long large integer --int Ordinary integer --short small integer --byte A smaller integer --double ordinary decimal --Float A decimal number that can be a little vague --Boolean Boolean (true or false) --char One character --String Character sequence

If it is an integer, int Double for decimals Decimal numbers are not suitable for accurate calculations such as money calculation where errors are not allowed.

   int a = 0;← Initialization of variables
   int a = 0;

   int a   = 1;← Variable reassignment (overwrite)

The final type is called a constant and cannot be rewritten.

For the time being, the end of Chapter 1 ...? I've finished the exercises, but the integers don't pop up in my head, so I'll try to remember them for a while, as the book says. Should I review tomorrow (^ o ^)

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