[RUBY] [Rails] A simple way to implement a self-introduction function in your profile

Implement self-introduction function in profile

After the portfolio is completed, I implemented it additionally, so I will leave the order as a memorandum. A new introduction column will be added to the existing columns such as user name, email, and password. I will write it as simple as possible!


The order is as follows.

  1. git checkout -b introduction
  2. Add an introduction column to the users table
  3. Reflect in the database
  4. Add the required code to the users controller
  5. Add necessary code to user model
  6. Display on the user details page (MY PAGE)
  7. Display on the user edit page (EDIT)
  8. Completed!

I will write them in order below!

1. git checkout -b introduction

Break the branch to implement new functionality.

2. Add an introduction column to the users table


$ rails generate migration AddIntroductionToUsers introduction:text
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20200712005652_add_introduction_to_users.rb

Add an introduction column with the rails g command above.

3. Reflect in the database


$ docker-compose run  web rails db:migrate
== 2020~~~~ AddIntroductionToUsers: migrating ===========================
-- add_column(:users, :introduction, :text)
   -> 0.0518s
== 2020~~~~ AddIntroductionToUsers: migrated (0.0519s) ==================

4. Add the required code to the users controller

Added to private method Add introduction attribute


   def user_params_update
      params.require(:user).permit(:name, :email, :image, :introduction) #Introduction added

Now you can update the introduction

5. Add necessary code to user model

Add validation. Enter your self-introduction within 50 characters. Feel free to set the number of characters.


validates :introduction, presence: false, length: { maximum: 50 } #The maximum number of characters for self-introduction is 50 characters

6. Display on the user details page (MY PAGE)


 = @user.introduction

Please correct it with SCSS etc.

7. Display on the user edit page (EDIT)

User editing was only user name and email, but I will add an introduction there.


  = f.label :introduction
  = f.text_area :introduction, class: 'form-control', id: 'user_introduction'


This completes adding self-introduction to the users table and adding the introduction attribute. I wrote "introduce" on the way, so please be careful!

スクリーンショット 2020-07-12 13.33.19.png

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