[Python] Read the source code of Bottle Part 2

This article is a continuation of Last time, but you should be able to read it alone without any problems. Well, it's an article for my own organization ...

Honmaru Bottle class

Finally, the Bottle class of the castle tower. First of all, from the last time, from the __call__ method.


class Bottle(object):

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """ Each instance of :class:'Bottle' is a WSGI application. """
        return self.wsgi(environ, start_response)

    def wsgi(self, environ, start_response):
        """ The bottle WSGI-interface. """
            out = self._cast(self._handle(environ))
            # rfc2616 section 4.3
            if response._status_code in (100, 101, 204, 304) or environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD':
                if hasattr(out, 'close'): out.close()
                out = []
            start_response(response._status_line, response.headerlist)
            return out

In other words, the message body part of the response is generated from self._cast (self._handle (environ)). Since self.cast () is the process of encoding data into a format suitable for HTTP messages, the response content is actually created withself._handle (environ).

This is a little long. So I'll try to make it refreshing except for the except block.


#: A thread-safe instance of :class:`LocalResponse`. It is used to change the
#: HTTP response for the *current* request.
response = LocalResponse()

class Bottle(object):

    def _handle(self, environ):
        path = environ['bottle.raw_path'] = environ['PATH_INFO']
        if py3k:
            environ['PATH_INFO'] = path.encode('latin1').decode('utf8', 'ignore')

        environ['bottle.app'] = self

            while True: # Remove in 0.14 together with RouteReset
                out = None
                    route, args = self.router.match(environ)
                    environ['route.handle'] = route
                    environ['bottle.route'] = route
                    environ['route.url_args'] = args
                    out = route.call(**args)
                    if isinstance(out, HTTPResponse):

        return out

Response = LocalResponse () suddenly appeared here, but the parent class BaseResponse of the LocalResponse class is defined below.


class BaseResponse(object):
    """ Storage class for a response body as well as headers and cookies.

        This class does support dict-like case-insensitive item-access to
        headers, but is NOT a dict. Most notably, iterating over a response
        yields parts of the body and not the headers. #The following comments are omitted

    default_status = 200
    default_content_type = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'

    def __init__(self, body='', status=None, headers=None, **more_headers):
        self._cookies = None
        self._headers = {}
        self.body = body

It seems to hold information such as cookies, headers, and bodies. Don't chase any further for now.

Now, Bottle () ._ handler () is

route, args = self.router.match(environ)
out = route.call(**args)
return out

That part is the key, and it seems that the routing process is being performed here. Here, self.router meansRouter ()(defined in Bottle.__ init__), so let's take a look at this class.


class Router(object):
    """ A Router is an ordered collection of route->target pairs. It is used to
        efficiently match WSGI requests against a number of routes and return
        the first target that satisfies the request. The target may be anything,
        usually a string, ID or callable object. A route consists of a path-rule
        and a HTTP method.

        The path-rule is either a static path (e.g. `/contact`) or a dynamic
        path that contains wildcards (e.g. `/wiki/<page>`). The wildcard syntax
        and details on the matching order are described in docs:`routing`.

    def __init__(self, strict=False):
        self.rules = []  # All rules in order
        self._groups = {}  # index of regexes to find them in dyna_routes
        self.builder = {}  # Data structure for the url builder
        self.static = {}  # Search structure for static routes
        self.dyna_routes = {}
        self.dyna_regexes = {}  # Search structure for dynamic routes
        #: If true, static routes are no longer checked first.
        self.strict_order = strict
        self.filters = {
            're': lambda conf: (_re_flatten(conf or self.default_pattern),
                                None, None),
            'int': lambda conf: (r'-?\d+', int, lambda x: str(int(x))),
            'float': lambda conf: (r'-?[\d.]+', float, lambda x: str(float(x))),
            'path': lambda conf: (r'.+?', None, None)

    def match(self, environ):
        """ Return a (target, url_args) tuple or raise HTTPError(400/404/405). """
        verb = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper()
        path = environ['PATH_INFO'] or '/'

        if verb == 'HEAD':
            methods = ['PROXY', verb, 'GET', 'ANY']
            methods = ['PROXY', verb, 'ANY']

        for method in methods:
            if method in self.static and path in self.static[method]:
                target, getargs = self.static[method][path]
                return target, getargs(path) if getargs else {}
            elif method in self.dyna_regexes:
                for combined, rules in self.dyna_regexes[method]:
                    match = combined(path)
                    if match:
                        target, getargs = rules[match.lastindex - 1]
                        return target, getargs(path) if getargs else {}

Around here, it's a little messy and it's hard to understand what the target ofreturn target, get args (path)is, but as you can see fromroute, args = self.router.match (environ) , The Route instance is returned, isn't it?

In other words, before you know it, Route () is registered as self.static [method] [path].

Before you know it! ?? </ b>

If you look at the sources below, you'll gradually see the big picture!


class Bottle(object):

    def route(self,
              skip=None, **config):
        """ A decorator to bind a function to a request URL. Example::

                def hello(name):
                    return 'Hello %s' % name

            The ``<name>`` part is a wildcard. See :class:`Router` for syntax
        if callable(path): path, callback = None, path
        plugins = makelist(apply)
        skiplist = makelist(skip)

        def decorator(callback):
            if isinstance(callback, basestring): callback = load(callback)
            for rule in makelist(path) or yieldroutes(callback):
                for verb in makelist(method):
                    verb = verb.upper()
                    route = Route(self, rule, verb, callback, name=name, plugins=plugins, skiplist=skiplist, **config)
            return callback

        return decorator(callback) if callback else decorator

    def add_route(self, route):
        """ Add a route object, but do not change the :data:`Route.app`
        self.router.add(route.rule, route.method, route, name=route.name)
        if DEBUG: route.prepare()

So we

    def hello(name):
        return 'Hello %s' % name

By attaching a decorator, when a request flies

route = Route(self, rule, verb, callback, name=name, plugins=plugins, skiplist=skiplist, **config)

And you gave the Router instance information about the Route instance.

Somehow my head got angry ...

Response data

What I learned from the above

route, args = self.router.match(environ)
out = route.call(**args)
return out  #Includes response data!

The route in is an instance of the Route (although it seems obvious), and the Route (). Call () contains the desired response data!

So if you look at the definition of the Route class


class Route(object):
    """ This class wraps a route callback along with route specific metadata and
        configuration and applies Plugins on demand. It is also responsible for
        turing an URL path rule into a regular expression usable by the Router.

    def __init__(self, app, rule, method, callback,
                 skiplist=None, **config):
        #: The application this route is installed to.
        self.app = app
        self.callback = callback
        #: A list of route-specific plugins (see :meth:`Bottle.route`).
        self.plugins = plugins or []

    def call(self):
        """ The route callback with all plugins applied. This property is
            created on demand and then cached to speed up subsequent requests."""
        return self._make_callback()

    def _make_callback(self):
        callback = self.callback
        for plugin in self.all_plugins():
                if hasattr(plugin, 'apply'):
                    callback = plugin.apply(callback, self)
                    callback = plugin(callback)
            except RouteReset:  # Try again with changed configuration.
                return self._make_callback()
            if not callback is self.callback:
                update_wrapper(callback, self.callback)
        return callback

In other words, well, the plug-in is sandwiched, and the important part is self.callback, but this one is in Bottle.route in the first place


        def decorator(callback):
            if isinstance(callback, basestring): callback = load(callback)
            for rule in makelist(path) or yieldroutes(callback):
                for verb in makelist(method):
                    verb = verb.upper()
                    route = Route(self, rule, verb, callback, name=name, plugins=plugins, skiplist=skiplist, **config)
            return callback

        return decorator(callback) if callback else decorator

You just passed the callback that came out in. this is

    def hello(name):
        return 'Hello %s' % name

It corresponds to the hello function in, which is also quite natural, but the response data is generated according to the function defined here.


somebody help

So I finally got the whole picture (although I've ignored the logging and error handling parts).

But the question is

from bottle import route

I have no idea why the route decorator is loaded. It feels like the decorator function defined in the Route class is registered in the environment under the name route.

If anyone understands, please let me know ... crying

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