Python (anaconda) development environment construction procedure (SpringToolsSuites) _2020.4

I wrote an article because I decided to develop python and introduced Anaconda to Spring Tools Suites.

Installation of Anaconda

Anaconda is a python distribution. When developing with python, I understand that it is convenient to be able to install the library immediately, but with the pip command it is troublesome to check the dependency, but with conda the dependency is automatically resolved I chose this because it will do it. (As of 2020.4, conda 3.7 was the latest.) ■ Latest version of installer * Past installers can be found here.

Create a virtual environment with Anaconda

This time we will create a virtual environment named py37 with python3.7. (-N can be -name) If you can create it, activate it.

First, start Anaconda Prompt.

(base)conda info -e
# conda environments:
base                  *  C:\Users\XXXX\anaconda3
(base)$>conda create -n py37 python=3.7
(base)$>activate py37
(py37)$>conda info -e
# conda environments:
base                     C:\Users\XXXX\anaconda3
py37                  *  C:\Users\XXXX\anaconda3\envs\py37

Install the library in Anaconda.

$set HTTP_PROXY=http://User name:password@Proxy:port
$set HTTPS_PROXY=https://User name:password@Proxy:port

After that, install the required libraries.

$conda install pyinstaller
$conda install -c conda-forge selenium
$conda install -c conda-forge python-chromedriver-binary

Enable Python to be used with STS.

① Start STS. └Help → Eclipse marketplace → Search by pyDev Install when pyDev hits (python IDE for Eclipse 7.5.0 * as of 2020.4).

② python interpreter settings. └ Window → Settings → pyDev → python interpreter A dialog will open where you can set the interpreter name and interpreter executable. Interpreter name: py32 Interpreter executable file: C: \ Users \ XXXX \ anaconda3 \ envs \ py37 \ python.exe

At this point, you should be able to select a new Pydev → Pydev project from the project explorer.

We'll add more about running and debugging files in the future.


I referred to this article. Thank you. [[Eclipse x Python] Python development environment construction procedure] ( [[For beginners] Try creating a virtual environment with Anaconda] ( Anaconda memorandum

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