Environment construction (python)


I tried to build an environment to use Python.


・ Windows 10 ・ Vs code ・ Python3


python setup


□Add Python 3.8 to PATH ↑ Don't forget to put ✓ in this. All I had to do was ʻInstall` ... I thought, but I hit a wall here.

Fitting point

If you leave the default installation location (AppData), Python will not work.

Initial installation location C:\Users\horita\AppData\Local\Programs\python image.png

Correct installation location C:\dev

If it is not here, python will not be recognized and will not work in the vs code terminal.

vs code setup

Please refer to this to install vs code.

After setup, create a basic_django_graph folder and open its integrated terminal image.png

Run python -V in the integrated terminal.

In rare cases, it seems that an execution error occurs if the location of the directory where Python is installed is not convenient. (This time I wasted a day ...)

I hope it will be helpful for those who hit the same wall! !! !!

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