Python is installed and commands can be used.
The installation state of the package is independent for each project from the virtual environment.
Virtual environment with venv.
1. </ b> First, create a folder.
2. </ b> Then use Terminal or Command Prompt.
3. </ b> Enter the created folder.
Create virtual environment
Depending on the environment, you may not need 3
! ⬇︎
python3 -m venv [newenvname]
Enter the virtual environment. linux,Mac
source [newenvname]/bin/activate
Package installation
([newenvname])$ pip install [package name]
Exit the virtual environment
([newenvname])$ deactivate
Install django in a virtual environment
pip install django
django project creation
It will be the basis.
django-admin startproject [project name]
Please enter the project.
cd [project name]
Start django server Please check if you could create it below.
python runserver
In django there is the concept of an application Separate functions for each application. Creating an application.
python startapp [app name]
Change port number Change 8080 to any number.
python runserver 8080
This is the URL ⬇︎
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