Create a Twitter BOT service with GAE / P + Tweepy + RIOT API! (Part 1)


As a practice of Google App Engine / Python, we will create a BOT service that automatically posts the results of the game called League of Legends on Twitter. Twitter authentication uses Tweepy that supports OAuth to make it a service that anyone can register. The game record is obtained from the official RIOT API. The source code is operated at GitBucket, and the finished product is operated at here.

Google App Engine Hello World

GAE / P application settings are written in the language yaml. app.yaml is a file that describes the settings of the entire application such as AndroidManifest.xml in Android. It also describes URL routing settings like in Django. Since the version of the application that actually runs on the server can be easily switched, if you increase the version frequently when deploying, you will not have to panic in case of trouble.


application: example_app #Application name
version: 1
runtime: python27 #Python2.Use 7
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true

handlers: #Describe URL routing
- url: /hell
  script: #hell.Call the py variable app

This time, we will implement the application in Python using webapp2.

#! -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import webapp2

class hellHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): #Handler to which processing is passed
    def get(self): #GET method processing
        self.response.out.write('Hell World!')
    def post(self): #Handling the POST method
        self.response.out.write('Postes Hell World!')

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/hell', hellHandler) ]) #handlers:Call the handler from the path / variable specified in

Go to `` ```` and you should see Hell World.

Run Tweepy on GAE

To use Tweepy on GAE, you need to prepare your own environment. First, download the entire tweepy folder from GitHub and place it in your project folder. Next, since Tweepy uses ssl, add the library to be used in app.yaml. Also, specify the callback address to force HTTPS communication to ensure security.


application: example_app
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true

libraries: #Specify the library to use
- name: ssl
  version: latest

- url: /
- url: /callback #Callback address
  secure: always #Force HTTPS communication

Next, let's implement a test app that lets the user perform OAuth authentication and stores the access token key and access secret token key in the data store (GAE database). The data store has a different design from a typical RDBMS, but it has a Django-like O / R mapper, so it's not too hard to use the model somehow.

#! -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from google.appengine.ext import db

import webapp2, tweepy

#Twitter Consumer Key
CONSUMER_KEY = '********************'
CONSUMER_SECRET = '**************************************'

class modelUser(db.Model): #Model definition for storing Twitter account information
    twitter_name = db.StringProperty()
    access_key = db.StringProperty()
    access_secret = db.StringProperty()
    date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

class mainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        #Output authentication start button
        self.response.out.write('<form method="POST" action="./"><button type="submit">Authentication</button></form>')
    def post(self):
        #Set the consumer key on Tweepy
        auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
            redirect_url = auth.get_authorization_url() #Get URL for OAuth authentication
            self.redirect(redirect_url) #Redirect to URL for OAuth authentication
        except Exception as e:

class callbackHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
            #Let Tweepy authenticate various received parameters
            auth.set_request_token(self.request.get('oauth_token'), self.request.get('oauth_verifier'))
            access_key = auth.access_token.key
            access_secret = auth.access_token.secret
            auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)
            api = tweepy.API(auth) #After that, you can get various information from this object.
            modeluser = modelUser().get_or_insert(str( #Set model key to Twitter internal ID
            modeluser.twitter_name = #Twitter Id
            modeluser.access_key = access_key #Access token key
            modeluser.access_secret = access_secret #Access secret token key
            modeluser.put() #Reflected in database

            self.response.out.write('Completion of registration')
        except Exception as e:

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/', mainHandler), ('/callback', callbackHandler) ])

The datastore has an attribute called a key, and it is convenient to set the key using `get_or_insert ('unique value')` when creating an entry with a unique value. In addition, the key with a unique value is fetched with `key (). name ()`, and if no key is specified, a random ID is automatically assigned and `` `key (). Get the ID with id () ```.


To use the RIOT API, first log in to the Developers Site ( with your LoL account. The API request limit is specified there as follows (as of 2014/02).

--10 requests / 10 seconds --500 requests / 10 minutes

This means that if your average request interval is less than 1.2 seconds, you run the risk of being subject to request limits. The shortest time for a LoL game is 20 minutes to surrender (although it may be faster), and theoretically 1000 users are the maximum to orbit the BOT without delay. That's enough.

Next, let's actually use / api / lol / {region} /v1.3/summoner/by-name/{summonerNames} to get the summoner information. You can check the operation by entering the summoner name on the API page on the Developers Site. The data retrieved from the API is returned in JSON format. This time, we will use django's simplejson to parse JSON, so first specify django in the library.


application: example_app
version: 7
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true

- name: django
  version: "1.4" #Specify the version you are familiar with

- url: /registration
  secure: always

Implement a web app in Python that returns a summoner ID when the user enters a summoner name.

#! -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from google.appengine.api.urlfetch import fetch
from django.utils.simplejson import loads

import webapp2
from urllib import quote
from time import mktime
from cgi import escape

from datetime import datetime

RIOT_KEY = '***********************************'

def getId(resion, summoner_name): #Summoner ID acquisition function
    #Get summoner information from API
    result = fetch(''+resion+'/v1.3/summoner/by-name/'+quote(summoner_name)+'?api_key='+RIOT_KEY)
    if result.status_code == 200:
        #Pass to JSON parser and return ID and name
        j = loads(result.content)[summoner_name.lower().replace(' ', '')]
        return j['id'], j['name']
        return -1, None

class registrationHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        #Output acquisition start button
        self.response.out.write('<form method="POST" action="./registration"><input type="radio" name="resion" value="1" checked="checked" />NA<input type="radio" name="resion" value="2" />EUW<input type="radio" name="resion" value="3" />EUNE<input type="text" name="summoner_name" /><button type="submit">Get</button></form>')
    def post(self):
            #Get the entered name and region
            summoner_name = escape(self.request.get('summoner_name'))
            if escape(self.request.get('resion')) == '1':
                resion = 'na'
            elif escape(self.request.get('resion')) == '2':
                resion = 'euw'
            elif escape(self.request.get('resion')) == '3':
                resion = 'eune'

            #Call the summoner ID acquisition function
            summoner_id, summoner_name = getId(resion, summoner_name)

            #Output the result
            if summoner_id > 0:
                self.response.out.write('Summoner ID:'+summoner_id+'Summoner name:'+summoner_name)
                self.response.out.write('There is no summoner, but that is')

        except Exception as e:

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([ ('/registration', registrationHandler) ])

Next time preview

It's going to be long, so I'll finish the first part here. In the second part, I would like to touch on how to actually turn the BOT using Queue, Backend, Cron, and Memchache. → Part 2 I wrote it!

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