It is a memorandum of setting.
Create an article by hitting Qiita's REST API in Python.
Windows10 Python 3.8.1 External library: requests Visual Studio Code 1.42.0
"Installing Python" takes a long time It took me half a day for some reason. If you go fast, I think it will be finished within an hour.
I installed both 2 and 3 series. To actually execute the code, use the latest version of 3 series. (The 2nd system is because the Python reference book used the 2nd system.)
Reference article: Install with Chocolatey so that Python 2.7 and Python 3.8 can coexist on Windows
2020-02-09 12:00:03,908 7028 [WARN ] - Environment Vars (like PATH) have changed. Close/reopen your shell to see the changes (or in powershell/cmd.exe just type
Reference article: Installation and Japanese localization of Visual Studio Code
Install the extension as well. -Python for VS Code Extensions that point out syntax mistakes -Python Extended Extensions that complement your code -Python Indent Extension that formats indentation
Place the Visual Studio Code configuration files in each folder. -Folder of 2 system execution environment ・ Folder of 3 system execution environment
Reference article: Switch Python execution environment used for each Workspace with VS Code
C:\WINDOWS\system32>py -3 -m pip install requests
Reference article: How to use Python's package management system pip
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