[JAVA] [PAY.JP] About setting environment variables-Courage to delete when in trouble-

What you want to solve

In the implementation of the purchase function of credit card payment, if the environment variable is set, the token will not be issued.

Problems / errors that are occurring

 「 Token can'"t be blank" is displayed

What I tried myself

Hypothesis 1-Token is not generated in the first place

The flow until the token is generated is

** ① Get the card information entered in the browser → ② Access the PAY.JP side (API) based on the acquired card information and public key → ③ Token will be issued on PAY.JP side **

Isn't something wrong with this?

First, in ①, check if the JavaScript file can be read properly.

const pay = () => {
  console.log("OK")       //⬅️ Check if "OK" is displayed in the browser with the verification tool

//The following is omitted

Now that I've confirmed it, I'll check if I can get the card number.

const pay = ()=> {
  Payjp.setPublicKey("pk_test_XXXXXXXXXX"); // PAY.JP test public key
  const form = document.getElementById("charge-form");
  form.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

    const formResult = document.getElementById("charge-form");
    const formData = new FormData(formResult);
    const card = {
      number: formData.get("number"),
      cvc: formData.get("cvc"),
      exp_month: formData.get("exp_month"),
      exp_year: `20${formData.get("exp_year")}`,
    console.log(card);            //⬅️ Check if the card information is displayed on the console

//The following is omitted

// document.getElementById("charge-form").submit();
//⬆️⬆️⬆️ Comment out to keep the console output
//Note that if you do not do this, it will be displayed on the browser for a moment and you will not be able to check it. I was frustrated doing it about 3 times without noticing it lol

window.addEventListener("load", pay);

I was able to get this properly without any problems. Is that an environment variable? So check at the terminal.

% env | grep PAYJP

It is included properly when checking. Hmm? Try resetting once or deleting the environment variable once in the big strategy, and the terminal also ends with ⌘Q and restarts. After that, reset the environment variables again and execute.

Then it succeeded. What was the cause? I copied and pasted it from the official website of PAY.JP, so I don't think it was wrong. I couldn't do it easily, but the courage to delete it is also important. It was a good study.

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