This article is the 18th day article of Fusic Advent Calendar 2020.
--I suggest a way to avoid the gills that appear when docker pulls too much on AWS Codebuild --I think it's easy to read if you have experience with AWS CodeBuild and ECR.
--You have reached your pull rate limit
is due to the stricter limit on the number of docker pulls. ** I noticed that if you change the pull destination to ECR, you do not have to worry about the number of times limit **
-Is there an image in ECR? → If not, pull from Docker Hub → Change the tag of the image pulled from Docker Hub to the tag name you plan to use in ECR → Push the image to ECR if you can change it to the tag name you plan to use in ECR
--Pull from Docker Hub only the first time
――From the second time, there is an image in ECR, so you do not have to pull from Docker Hub
The pre_build phase and the build phase are the parts I want to talk about.
version: 0.2
ruby: 2.7
#Variable definition used for login to ECR, push and pull to ECR
- $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION})
- AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query 'Account' --output text)
#Docker image I want for ECR (ECR_RUBY_If there is no URI), pull from Docker Hub and push to ECR
- ECR_RUBY_URI=$WEB_URI:ruby-2.7.1-slim
- DOCKER_RUBY_URI=ruby:2.7.1-slim
- docker pull $ECR_RUBY_URI || (docker pull $DOCKER_RUBY_URI && docker tag $DOCKER_RUBY_URI $ECR_RUBY_URI && docker push $ECR_RUBY_URI && true)
--First line: The part to log in to ECR --2nd and 3rd lines: Obtained to combine the repository URI of the ECR that has already been created as a character string. --Line 4: This is a variable that is completed by combining the already created ECR repository URIs with character strings.
--1st line: Set the URI including the tag name of the docker image used in ECR to ECR_RUBY_URI
--2nd line: Set the URI containing the original tag name of the docker image to be pulled from Docker Hub to DOCKER_RUBY_URI
--Third line:
-Try pull from ECRdocker pull $ECR_RUBY_URI || …
-If it doesn't work, pull it from Docker Hub || (docker pull $DOCKER_RUBY_URI …)
--If the pull is successful from Docker Hub, change the docker image to the tag name $ ECR_RUBY_URI
that was planned to be reused in ECR(… && docker tag $ DOCKER_RUBY_URI $ ECR_RUBY_URI…)
--Push the tag name $ ECR_RUBY_URI
that you plan to reuse in ECR to ECR(… && docker push $ ECR_RUBY_URI && true)
You can use the ECR URI dynamically in the Dockerfile FROM.
You'll be using docker's ARG to pass the ECR_RUBY_URI
mentioned above.
--Commands to be executed on CodeBuild
docker build --build-arg ECR_RUBY_URI = $ ECR_RUBY_URI --file file is/is/path/Dockerfile .
--Contents of Dockerfile to be linked with CodeBuild
# FROM ruby:2.7.1-slim
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