[IOS] GIF animation with Pythonista3. I was addicted to it.


There are many apps for making GIF animations, but since I have ** Pythonista3 **, I decided to make it myself while referring to the articles of many seniors.

Immediately addicted

I had made a GIF animation with ** Python ** on ** Win10 ** before, so I wrote it with ** PIL ** based on that memory, but only the first image is saved. Was not done.


w,h = 100,100
images = []

for c in range(0,256,8):
  img = Image.new('RGB',(w,h),(c,c,c))

images += reversed(images)

SaveName = 'test.gif'

I did a lot of research, but in the end I was able to confirm the operation on win10, so I concluded that ** PIL on iOS does not work **.

Its name is "images2gif"

While researching, I had a similar question and found out about the existence of "images2gif". It's a module name that is exactly what I wanted to do.

It was also featured in the official documentation and was installed from the beginning.

-Pythonista Module — Python 3.6.1 Documentation

How to use "images2gif"

Basically, the following description seems to be fine.

writeGif( SaveName, ImageList, duration=0.1,repeat=True)


from PIL import Image
from images2gif import writeGif

w,h = 100,100
images = []

for c in range(0,256,8):
  img = Image.new('RGB',(w,h),(c,c,c))

images += reversed(images)

SaveName = 'test.gif'
writeGif( SaveName, images, duration=0.02,repeat=True)


Python GIF art

Japanese help

The last thing that surprised me was that the Japanese help article I was looking for was ** "I posted it myself before" **, and I thought it was finally dangerous.

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