[RUBY] Amicable numbers, perfect numbers, excess numbers, deficient numbers, palindromic numbers I tried to make various numbers of programs

I wonder if there is anything I can post to Qiita. I dug up the script when I tried Project Euler more than 6 years ago, so Write it

The execution environment is as follows. ruby 2.6.3p62 macOS Catalina 10.15.6 zsh


Generate divisors

Please refer to the following for those who are divisors. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/約数


def create_divisor (num)
    divisor_ary = Array.new
    partner_divisor_ary = Array.new
    if num < 1 then
        return nil
    elsif num == 1 then
        divisor_ary.push 1
        i = 1
        partner_divisor = 0
        until i == partner_divisor do
            if num % i == 0 then
                divisor_ary.push i
                partner_divisor = num / i
                if partner_divisor != i then
                    partner_divisor_ary.unshift partner_divisor
            i += 1
        divisor_ary += partner_divisor_ary
    return divisor_ary

class Integer
	def divisor
		return create_divisor(self)

p 8.divisor
p 128.divisor
p 12345.divisor

The execution result is as follows.

% ruby divisor.rb
[1, 2, 4, 8]
[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
[1, 3, 5, 15, 823, 2469, 4115, 12345]

Generate amicable numbers

Amicable numbers ... I think it's a good name with a lot of rear. As natural numbers a and b ・ Sum of divisors of a -a = b And, ・ Sum of divisors of b-b = a When it comes to, it seems that a and b are called amicable numbers. See below for a detailed and accurate explanation. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/友愛数


class Integer
	def divisor
		return create_divisor(self)
    def amicable
        amicable_number = nil
        if self < 1 then
            return amicable_number
        divisor_ary = self.divisor
        unless divisor_ary.empty? then
            partner_number = divisor_ary.inject(:+)
            if partner_number != self then
                partner_divisor_ary = partner_number.divisor
                if partner_divisor_ary.inject(:+) == self then
                    amicable_number = partner_number
        return amicable_number

p 220.amicable
p 284.amicable
p 17296.amicable
p 18416.amicable
p 200.amicable

The execution result is as follows.

% ruby number_amicable.rb

Determine if it is a perfect number, an excess number, or a shortage number

As a natural number a (1) If the sum of divisors = a * 2, then a is a perfect number. (2) If the sum of divisors> a * 2, then a is an abundant number. (3) If the sum of divisors <a * 2, then a is the defendicient number. it seems like. See below for a detailed and accurate explanation. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/完全数 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/過剰数 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/不足数


class Integer
	def divisor
		return create_divisor(self)
	def compare_divisor_total
		sum_divisor = self.divisor.inject(:+)
		sum_divisor -= self
		if sum_divisor > self then
			return "abundant number"
		elsif sum_divisor == self then
			return "perfect number"
			return "deficient number"

p 496.compare_divisor_total
p 20.compare_divisor_total
p 15.compare_divisor_total
p 1.compare_divisor_total

The execution result is as follows.

% ruby number_p_a_d.rb
"perfect number"
"abundant number"
"deficient number"
"deficient number"

Determine if it is the number of palindromes

The number of palindromes is the same number whether read from the top or the bottom. See below for a detailed and accurate explanation. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/回文数


class Integer
	def palindrome?
		str = self.to_s
		if str[0, (str.length / 2).floor] == str.reverse[0, (str.length / 2).floor]
			return true
			return false

p 341.palindrome?
p 121.palindrome?
p 3456543.palindrome?

The execution result is as follows.

% ruby number_palindrome.rb

that's all.


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