[JAVA] [Rails] Implementation of multi-layer category function using ancestry "I tried to make a window with Bootstrap 3"



Development environment

・ Ruby: 2.5.7 Rails: 5.2.4 ・ Vagrant: 2.2.7 -VirtualBox: 6.1 ・ OS: macOS Catalina


The following has been implemented.

Slim introductionIntroduction of Bootstrap3Introduction of Font Awesome -Login function implementationImplementation of posting function -Many-to-many category function implementationMulti-layer category function implementation (preparation)Multi-layer category function implementation (seed) ・ [Multi-layer category function implementation (creation form)] (https://qiita.com/matsubishi5/items/4afb4a4f307023126c66) ・ [Multi-layer category function implementation (editing form)] (https://qiita.com/matsubishi5/items/10e61f314f6c56b8690d)

1. Edit the controller


def category_window
  @children = Category.find(params[:parent_id]).children


(1) Extract the child categories of the categories corresponding to the parameters sent by Ajax communication and assign them to the instance variables.

@children = Category.find(params[:parent_id]).children

2. Create / edit json.jbuilder file


$ touch app/views/homes/category_window.json.jbuilder


json.array! @children do |children|
  json.id children.id
  json.name children.name


(1) Repeat the records extracted by the get_category_children action to create an array.

json.array! @children do |children|

(2) Store each ID and name in the array created by .

json.id children.id
json.name children.name

** ◎ Return value when the mouse is on the parent category (business) **

    "id": 2, 
    "name": "Finance"
    "id": 6, 
    "name": "Economy"
    "id": 9, 
    "name": "management"
    "id": 13, 
    "name": "marketing"

** ◎ Return value when the mouse is on the child category (finance) **

    "id": 3, 
    "name": "stock"
    "id": 4, 
    "name": "exchange"
    "id": 5, 
    "name": "tax"

3. Add routing


get 'get_category/new', to: 'homes#category_window', defaults: { format: 'json' }

4. Edit the view


          li.dropdown role='presentation'
            a.dropdown-toggle data-toggle='dropdown' href='#' role='button' aria-expanded='false'
                |Search by category
            ul.dropdown-menu role='menu'
              li role='presentation'
                - Category.where(ancestry: nil).each do |parent|
                  = link_to parent.name, root_path, id: "#{parent.id}", class: 'parent-category'
              li role='presentation' class='children-list'
              li role='presentation' class='grandchildren-list'


** * I will omit how to write Bootstrap. ** **

(1) The value of ancestry is nil, that is, all the parent categories are extracted and displayed in the pull-down menu.

- Category.where(ancestry: nil).each do |parent|
  = link_to parent.name, root_path, id: "#{parent.id}", class: 'parent-category'

(2) Prepare a place to display the child category.

li role='presentation' class='children-list'

③ Prepare a place to display the grandchild category.

li role='presentation' class='grandchildren-list'

5. Create / edit JavaScript file


$ touch app/assets/javascripts/category_window.js


$(function() {
  function buildChildHTML(children) {
    let html = `
      <a class="children-category" id="${children.id}" href="/">
    return html;

  $('.parent-category').on('mouseover', function() {
    let id = this.id;
      type: 'GET',
      url: '/get_category/new',
      data: {
        parent_id: id,
      dataType: 'json',
    }).done(function(children) {
      children.forEach(function(child) {
        let html = buildChildHTML(child);

  function buildGrandChildHTML(children) {
    let html = `
      <a class="grandchildren-category" id="${children.id}" href="/">
    return html;

  $(document).on('mouseover', '.children-category', function() {
    let id = this.id;
      type: 'GET',
      url: '/get_category/new',
      data: {
        parent_id: id,
      dataType: 'json',
    }).done(function(children) {
      children.forEach(function(child) {
        let html = buildGrandChildHTML(child);
      $(document).on('mouseover', '.children-category', function() {


① Create HTML for the child category.

function buildChildHTML(children) {
  let html = `
    <a class="children-category" id="${children.id}" href="/">
  return html;

(2) Change the display contents of the child category depending on which parent category the mouse is hovering over.

  $('.parent-category').on('mouseover', function() {
    let id = this.id;
      type: 'GET',
      url: '/get_category/new',
      data: {
        parent_id: id,
      dataType: 'json',
    }).done(function(children) {
      children.forEach(function(child) {
        let html = buildChildHTML(child);

** ◎ Create an event that fires when the mouse hovers over the parent category. ** **

$('.parent-category').on('mouseover', function() {});

** ◎ Assign the ID sent from category_window.json.jbuilder to the variable. ** **

let id = this.id;

** ◎ For the time being, delete the child category and below. ** **


** ◎ Set the variable created earlier in the parameter (parent_id) and execute the category_window action asynchronously. ** **

    type: 'GET',
    url: '/get_category/new',
    data: {
      parent_id: id,
    dataType: 'json',

** ◎ If Ajax communication is successful, create HTML for the corresponding child category and display it. ** **

.done(function(children) {
  children.forEach(function(child) {
    var html = buildChildHTML(child);

③ Create HTML for grandchild category.

function buildGrandChildHTML(children) {
  var html = `
    <a class="grandchildren-category" id="${children.id}" href="/">
  return html;

④ Change the display contents of the grandchild category depending on which child category the mouse is hovering over. (Since it is almost the same as , the explanation is omitted)

$(document).on('mouseover', '.children-category', function() {
  var id = this.id;
    type: 'GET',
    url: '/get_category/new',
    data: {
      parent_id: id,
    dataType: 'json',
  }).done(function(children) {
    children.forEach(function(child) {
      var html = buildGrandChildHTML(child);
    $(document).on('mouseover', '.children-category', function() {


If you do not disable turbolinks, the pull-down menu will not work asynchronously, so be sure to disable it.

How to disable turbolinks

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