[JAVA] I tried to investigate the mechanism of Emscripten by using it with the Sudoku solver

I investigated the mechanism of Emscripten by executing the backtrack type Sudoku solver implemented in C in the JavaScript environment using Emscripten. , Is the story.

What is Emscripten?

emscripten uses LLVM / Clang to load C and C ++ programs into browsers and nodejs/[iojs](https:: It is a system that enables execution in a JavaScript environment such as //iojs.org/).

Based on the LLVM bytecode that compiles the C / C ++ source, ** conversion program for executing on JavaScript and runtime environment part ** for executing it, and compatibility with gcc, make, etc. Enhanced ʻemcc](https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/master/emcc) and [ʻemmake ) And other ** command lines ** are provided. The former is run by nodejs and the latter by python.

The ** runtime library (function) used in C / C ++ such as libc is designed to be emulated on the JavaScript side **. .. Standard output to the console, drawing of SDL/OpenGL etc. on nodejs / iojs environment or browser The JS implementation to be realized, etc. are attached as standard to emscripten (for example, the emscripten implementation of libc is [/usr/local/opt/emscripten/libexec/src/library.js](https: //) github.com/kripken/emscripten/blob/master/src/library.js)).

Emscripten preferences

In the OSX environment, I installed emscripten with homebrew (brew install emscripten).

If you include emscripten, commands such as ʻemcc(gcc / clang compatible command) will be added, and the first time you execute that command, a~ / .emscripten` file with the environment set will be created.

However, with OSX, the contents are not reflected properly, such as using the clang command attached to the current system. Therefore, edit it again as follows.

# ~/.emscripten
EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(
    os.getenv('EMSCRIPTEN') or 
LLVM_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(
    os.getenv('LLVM') or 

NODE_JS = os.path.expanduser(
    os.getenv('NODE') or 

TMP_DIR = '/tmp'

By specifying the homebrew package in this way, even if the emscripten or nodejs package installed by homebrew upgrade is upgraded, it can be executed without resetting every time. ..

If you run the ʻemcc` command empty with this setting, you will get the following result if it is set correctly.

$ emcc
WARNING  root: (Emscripten: settings file has changed, clearing cache)
INFO     root: (Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
WARNING  root: no input files

Write a Sudoku solver in C (C11)

First, describe a backtrack type 9x9 square Sudoku solver in C11 specification. Separate the files into the library part and the main part of the code so that they can be used only by the library later.

// libsudoku.c
#include <stdio.h>

// helpers for board data
static inline unsigned masks(unsigned i) {return i ? 1 << (i - 1) : 0;}
static inline unsigned row(unsigned i) {return i / 9;}
static inline unsigned col(unsigned i) {return i % 9;}
static inline unsigned blk(unsigned i) {return i / 27 * 3 + i % 9 / 3;}
extern void output(unsigned board[])
  char buffer[(9 + 3) * (9 + 3)];
  char* cur = buffer;
  for (unsigned y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
    for (unsigned x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
      *cur++ = board[y * 9 + x] > 0 ? board[y * 9 + x] + '0' : '.';
      if (x % 3 == 2) *cur++ = x == 8 ? '\n' : '|';
    if (y == 8) {
      *cur++ = '\0';
    } else if (y % 3 == 2) {
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++) *cur++ = i % 4 == 3 ? '+' : '-';
      *cur++ = '\n';

// sudoku solver
typedef void (*sudoku_cb)(unsigned board[]);
typedef struct {
  unsigned board[81];
  unsigned rows[9], cols[9], blks[9];
  sudoku_cb callback;
} sudoku_t;

static void sudoku_init(sudoku_t* s, unsigned board[])
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 81; i++) {
    const unsigned mask = masks(board[i]);
    s->rows[row(i)] |= mask, s->cols[col(i)] |= mask, s->blks[blk(i)] |= mask;
    s->board[i] = board[i];

static void sudoku_solve(sudoku_t* s, unsigned i)
  if (i == 81) {
  } else if (s->board[i] != 0) {
    sudoku_solve(s, i + 1);
  } else {
    const unsigned r = row(i), c = col(i), b = blk(i);
    const unsigned used = s->rows[r] | s->cols[c] | s->blks[b];
    for (unsigned v = 1; v <= 9; v++) {
      const unsigned mask = masks(v);
      if (used & mask) continue;
      s->board[i] = v;
      s->rows[r] |= mask, s->cols[c] |= mask, s->blks[b] |= mask;
      sudoku_solve(s, i + 1);
      s->rows[r] &= ~mask, s->cols[c] &= ~mask, s->blks[b] &= ~mask;
      s->board[i] = 0;

extern void sudoku(unsigned board[], sudoku_cb callback)
  sudoku_t s = {
    .board = {0}, .rows = {0}, .cols = {0}, .blks = {0}, .callback = callback};
  sudoku_init(&s, board);
  sudoku_solve(&s, 0);
// sudoku-main.c

#include <stdio.h>

extern void output(unsigned board[]);
typedef void (*sudoku_cb)(unsigned board[]);
extern void sudoku(unsigned board[], sudoku_cb callback);

// example problem from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sudoku
static unsigned problem[] = {
  8, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0,
  7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9,
  0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 2,
  3, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0,
  0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 0,
  0, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 0, 4, 0

extern int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  if (argc <= 1) {
    sudoku(problem, output);
  } else {
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
      char ch = -1;
      for (int c = 0; c < 81; c++) {
        if (ch == '\0') {
          problem[c] = 0;
        } else {
          ch = argv[i][c];
          problem[c] = '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' ? ch - '0' : 0;
      sudoku(problem, output);
  return 0;

This code is a program that can be normally compiled / executed with gcc / clang as shown below.

$ clang -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra libsudoku.c sudoku-main.c -o sudoku
$ ./sudoku 


Compile a C program with Emscripten and run it with iojs

You can compile it into JavaScript code just by changing the clang part in the above build to ʻemcc and ** adding .js` to the output file name **. The generated js file is ** stand-alone and executable on nodejs / iojs **.

$ emcc -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra libsudoku.c sudoku-main.c -o sudoku.js
$ iojs sudoku.js 


Call a function in a library compiled with Emscripten from JavaScript code

The code generated by Emscripten is not ** JS code that can be used as a normal JavaScript function (like a translator such as CoffeeScript) **. What is generated is a combination of the LLVM bytecode (assuming the C language execution model) and its execution environment. For example, there is a fixed memory area management mechanism in the JS code, such as HEAP.

This is the same even if the library is generated, and the ʻextern` function that the library has is the one that executes the bytecode as a ** C function on the execution environment embedded in the library. It is **.

Therefore, in order to use the code generated by Emscripten as a library for JavaScript, some ingenuity is required in some places. The official documentation, Interacting with code, contains the information needed for this. However, if you don't recognize the major difference that these are ** means of access to the C program execution environment in the library **, you will be addicted to it.

Compile as nodejs / iojs library

To generate libsudoku.js to be used as a library on nodejs / iojs from libsudoku.c, you need to specify the attached options -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS and -s RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS as follows. there is.

$ emcc -Wall -Wextra -std=c11 libsudoku.c -o libsudoku.js \
      -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_sudoku','_output']" \

In the former ʻEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS, specify the function name ʻextern in C to call it on the JavaScript side. However, instead of listing the C function names as they are, list the names ** prefixed with _ **.

The latter RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS is a variable needed for ** when a function that passes a pointer to a callback function, such as thesudoku (board, callback)function, needs to be called from the JavaScript side **. Here, reserve the number of function pointers that can be set on the bytecode execution environment in order to call back the JavaScript function. Since libsudoku.js is not executed in parallel, 1 is sufficient for libsudoku.js, but 20 is specified here.

Write JavaScript code that calls the Emscripten library

The docs say you can use ccall and cwrap, but they only list when the simple number value is exchanged, and were generated to use an array or function as an argument. I analyzed the code and made trial and error.

How to call by passing an array as an argument with ccall

First, the wrapper that calls void output (unsigned board []) of libsudoku.c is as follows.

var libsudoku = require("./libsudoku.js");

// use ccall to call emscripten C function
var output = function (board) {
    // unsigned[] as Uint8Array view of Uint32Array
    var unsignedBoard = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(board).buffer);
    // ccall(cfuncname, return_type, argument_types, arguments)
    // type: "string", "number", "array" or undefined as return type
    return libsudoku.ccall("output", undefined, ["array"], [unsignedBoard]);

Here, we call ʻArrayin JavaScript as the array value in Emscripten. The argument islibrary.ccall (function name, return type, argument type list, argument value list). This function name is ** a function name in C without a leading _` **, not a compile option.

If the return value is void, specify ʻundefined. The argument type can be either " number ", " string ", or " array "`. This type specification is not the type in the C function declaration, but the ** JavaScript value type ** that is actually passed when it is called and executed.

The pointer type of the argument of ʻoutput () is ʻunsigned (int), but ** Emscripten seems to treat the ʻinttype as a 32-bit integer **. And ** byte order seems to inherit the CPU environment dependency ofTypedArray as it is ** (CPU-dependent new Uint32Array (buffer) `etc. is described in the generated code).

If you are dealing with a 32-bit array in C language, the ** " array " type argument when calling with ccall must be 8-bit ʻInt8Array or ʻUint8Array **. Looking at the ccall implementation in the library, the argument passed in the call ** copies its value to a memory area in the library and executes bytecode **. The " string " and " array " specify the copy method. In the case of " array ", it is copied with HEAP8 [...] = array [i], so if you pass ʻUint32Array etc. to ccallas it is, it will be truncated to 8 bits. By the way," string "passes to C as a UTF8char` string.

How to call a function that passes a function pointer

The following code implements a wrapper to sudoku (board, callback) using another cwrap. ccall (function name, return type, argument type list, argument value list) is equivalent to cwrap (function name, return type, argument type list) (argument value list). If you call the emscripten function many times, it is better to cache the function returned by cwrap and call it by passing only the arguments.

The point here is that the JavaScript callback function is set in the bytecode execution environment, and its pointer value is passed as the argument of the function created by cwrap as"number".

// use cwrap to call emscripten C function with callback
var sudoku = function sudoku(board, callback) {
    // NOTE: For using addFunction(),
    //    emcc option "-s REQUIRED_FUNCTION_POINTERS=10" (more than 1) required
    var callbackPtr = libsudoku.Runtime.addFunction(function (resultPtr) {
        var r = new Uint32Array(libsudoku.HEAPU8.buffer, resultPtr, 81);
        // NOTE: copy memory value as array for async use in callback(like IO)
    var unsignedBoard = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(board).buffer);
    sudoku._cfunc(unsignedBoard, callbackPtr);
// pointer as a "number"
sudoku._cfunc = libsudoku.cwrap("sudoku", undefined, ["array", "number"]);

Use ptr = library.Runtime.addFunction (function) to set JavaScript function in the bytecode environment and receive its pointer value. The number of compile-time arguments RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS refers to the number of JavaScript functions that can be registered with ʻaddFunction` at the same time.

The arguments passed to the function called in the callback are the same numbers in the execution environment (not the values in ccall etc.). ** If it is a pointer, it will be used as the offset value of HEAP (library.HEAPU8 etc.) at runtime **. To hide this, ** callback functions also need a wrapper **. In this callback wrapper we make a regular ʻArray` from the memory offset to call the actual callback.

var callbackPtr = libsudoku.Runtime.addFunction(function (resultPtr) {
    var r = new Uint32Array(libsudoku.HEAPU8.buffer, resultPtr, 81);

Since the result passed in the callback is ʻunsigned [81] on C, cut out an array of 81 32-bit integers from HEAP with ʻUint32Array, convert it to a normal ʻArray, and use the callback function. I am trying to call. ccall and cwrap` perform such HEAP access inside to convert between JavaScript objects and memory values.

Not limited to the function pointer returned by library.Runtime.addFunction (f), the pointer value is passed as a " number " to the argument of the function of ccall or cwrap.

After the function call is finished, delete it with library.Runtime.removeFunction (ptr) and open a place where ʻaddFunction` can be done. In Emscripten libraries, you need to do this ** resource management manually ** as you do in C.

main part and execution

Below is the code that performs the same processing as sudoku-main.c using the above wrapper.

// sudoku-call-libsudoku.js 
var libsudoku = require("./libsudoku.js");

var output = function (board) {
    var unsignedBoard = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(board).buffer);
    return libsudoku.ccall("output", undefined, ["array"], [unsignedBoard]);

var sudoku = function sudoku(board, callback) {
    var callbackPtr = libsudoku.Runtime.addFunction(function (resultPtr) {
        var r = new Uint32Array(libsudoku.HEAPU8.buffer, resultPtr, 81);
    var unsignedBoard = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array(board).buffer);
    sudoku._cfunc(unsignedBoard, callbackPtr);
sudoku._cfunc = libsudoku.cwrap("sudoku", undefined, ["array", "number"]);

// main
if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
    // example problem from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sudoku
    var problem = [
        8, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0,
        7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9,
        0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 2,
        3, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0,
        0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 0,
        0, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 0, 4, 0
    sudoku(problem, output);
} else {
    for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
        var problem = Array(81);
        for (var j = 0; j < 81; j++) {
            var ch = process.argv[i].charCodeAt(j);
            problem[j] = 0 <= ch && ch <= 9 ? v : 0;
        sudoku(problem, output);

As shown below, it can be executed as it is without ** external library required **, just like when compiling including main.

$ iojs sudoku-call-libsudoku.js


Execution speed analysis

The execution time of sudoku of native execution, sudoku.js which converted all C code, and sudoku-call-libsudoku.js which uses the library libsudoku.js is as follows.

$ time ./sudoku
real	0m0.020s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.002s
$ time iojs sudoku-call-libsudoku.js
real	0m0.355s
user	0m0.313s
sys	0m0.037s
$ time iojs sudoku.js
real	0m0.888s
user	0m0.312s
sys	0m0.045s

It seems that it is faster to use only the library than to implement main in C (although the external library function avoids printf etc. and uses onlyputs ()).

By the way, the execution time in Code implemented backtrack with JavaScript is

$ time iojs sudoku-backtrack.js
real	0m0.723s
user	0m0.684s
sys	0m0.030s

have become.

Solving the board only once is faster than converting the entire C code, probably because the cost of the main part has a large effect. It took twice as long to use the library, and it can be said that the solver part was doubled with Emscripten.

Question: How to pass struct by value in ccall

With ccall and cwrap, it looks like there is no way to pass a ** (not pointer-passed) struct value **, such as vec4 with four floats.

Reference: Emscripten optimization and debugging options

Similar to gcc / clang, optimization and debugging options include O0-3 and g1-4, but they have different meanings and are Emscripten-specific.

--O0: No optimization (default) --O1: Debug code is deleted --O2: Output is minified (.js.mem file is generated) --O3: Further optimization (file is slightly smaller than O2)

The .js.mem file generated at the same time by O2 and O3 is an essential file to execute the generated .js code.

The debug option is used in combination with the optimization option after O2 to suppress minification **.

--g1: Save whitespace --g2: Save function name --g3: Save variable name --g4: Generate source map (.map file)

Link to source code

The complete source code is in gist with Makefile.

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