Import the schedule obtained from "Schedule-kun" into Google Calendar


With the above post, I got the J-League schedule, so I would like to make use of it. If you can import it into the calendar app you use every day, you can save yourself the trouble of entering it one by one. Therefore Create a file in a format that you can import into Google Calendar.

About iCalendar format

Uninflected word


SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=jp-JP:Section 1 Day 3 FC Tokyo
DESCRIPTION;LANGUAGE=jp-JP:kick off:13:00\n
Stadium: Aista\n


import datetime
import pandas as pd

# ''Get from the schedule result of
data = pd.read_csv('./csv/Game_Schedule_2020.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8')


#Prepare a local file that collects the address of the club HP
club = pd.read_csv('./csv/master_club_2020.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8')

I prepared my own data to include the address of the club to play in the detailed data. キャプチャ2.PNG

yyyy = 2020
#Specify the team name you want to extract
team = data[(data['home'] == 'Team name') | (data['Away'] == 'Team name')]

Change the "team name" to the team name you want to get.

#Create a fixed string
header = (r'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' + '\n'
            r'VERSION:2.0' + '\n')

footer = (r'END:VCALENDAR')

info = ('	JAL:\\n\n'
        '	ANA:\\n')

timezone = ';TZID=Asia/Tokyo'
language = ';LANGUAGE=jp-JP'

Create the strings that make up the template.

schedule_all = []

for i in range(len(team)):
    if team['KO time'].iloc[i] == '● Undecided ●':
    #Create the following items for each section from specific team data
    # start_datetime, end_datetime, section, home or away team, kick_off, stadium, club HP
    tmp_date = team['Match day'].iloc[i]
    tmp_date = str(yyyy) + '/' + tmp_date[:5]
    start_time = team['KO time'].iloc[i]
    tmp_date_time = tmp_date + ' ' + start_time + ':00'
    tmp_dtstart = datetime.datetime.strptime(tmp_date_time, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
    tmp_dtend = tmp_dtstart + datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
    # start_datetime
    dtstart = tmp_dtstart.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
    # end_datetime
    dtend = tmp_dtend.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
    # section
    sec = team['section'].iloc[i]
    # team name
    team_name = team['Away'].iloc[i] if team['home'].iloc[i] == 'Team name' else team['home'].iloc[i]
    # kick off
    kickoff = str(team['KO time'].iloc[i])
    # stadium
    stadium = team['Stadium'].iloc[i]
    # club HP
    club_url = club[club['Abbreviation'] == team_name]['Official site URL']

    #Create a character string in iCalender format from data in node units.
    begin = 'BEGIN:VEVENT'
    dstart = 'DTSTART' + timezone + ':' + dtstart
    dend = 'DTEND' + timezone + ':' + dtend
    summary = 'SUMMARY' + language + ':' + sec + ' ' + team_name
    description1 = r'DESCRIPTION' + language + ':' + 'kick off:' + kickoff + '\\n'
    description2 = r'Stadium:' + stadium + '\\n'
    description3 = r'club:' + club_url.values[0] + '\\n\n' + info
    end = 'END:VEVENT' + '\n'
    #List section-by-section data
    contents = [begin, dstart, dend, summary, description1, description2, description3, end]

#Creating a calendar file
path = './csv/schedule_all_2020.ics'
with open(path, mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    for s in schedule_all:

Finally, loop through the clause-by-section list to create a text file. (* For the sake of explanation, it is divided into a loop process for creating section data and a loop process for creating a text file.) 無題.png

Articles that I used as a reference

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