Get the latest schedule from Google Calendar and notify it on LINE every morning
At my home, we have introduced a slightly convenient one that notifies LINE of the schedule from the day to the day after tomorrow every morning: rolling_eyes:

--Get static data from S3
--Get the schedule until the day after tomorrow with Google Calendar API
--Notify the talk room set by LINE Notify API
--AWS Lambda ... one
--Google Calendar ... one or more
--GCP service account ... one or more
--LINE Notify access token ... one or more
(as you like)
--AWS S3 ... one
How to make
A. GCP console
- Enable the Google Calendar API.
- Create a service account.
... If you only want to share with a limited number of users as a requirement, it's best to use a service account.
- Add the service account created in 2. to "Share with specific users" to the calendar you want to notify.
B. LINE Notify
- Issue an access token for the room you want to notify.
C. AWS Lambda
- Get the latest appointments with the Google Calendar API using the key for the Google service account created in A.
- Notify the room using the LINE Notify API with the access token created in B.
- (Supplement) Is it relatively convenient to put static data used for notification in S3 so that it can be referred to by IAM?
that's all! It was a little convenient to be able to do it quickly ~