Repeat with While. Scripts to Tweet and search from the terminal

A script that uses OAuth1Session to tweet and search from the terminal.

words = raw_input(u"input-tweet: ") search_words = raw_input(u"Keyword?: ")

Exit the loop if both elements are empty.

Tweeting from the terminal may be surprisingly convenient.

#!/user/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import json
import sys, codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)

while True:
	words = raw_input(u"input-tweet: ")
	search_words = raw_input(u"Keyword?: ")

	C_KEY = "************************************"
	C_SECRET = "************************************"
	A_KEY = "************************************"
	A_SECRET = "************************************"

	def Post_msg():
		url = ""
		params = {"status": words,"lang": "ja"}
		tw = OAuth1Session(C_KEY,C_SECRET,A_KEY,A_SECRET)
		req =, params = params)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			print "Success! Your Tweet: ", unicode(words, "utf-8")
			print req.status_code
		return Post_msg

	def Limit_Status():
		url = ""
		params = {}
		tw = OAuth1Session(C_KEY,C_SECRET,A_KEY,A_SECRET)
		req = tw.get(url, params = params)
		if req.status_code == 200:
			limit = req.headers["x-rate-limit-remaining"]
			print ("API remain: " + limit)
		return Limit_Status
	def Search_words():
		url = ""
		params = {
				"q": unicode(search_words, "utf-8"),
				"lang": "ja",
				"result_type": "recent",
				"count": "20"
		tw = OAuth1Session(C_KEY,C_SECRET,A_KEY,A_SECRET)
		req = tw.get(url, params = params)
		tweets = json.loads(req.text)
		for tweet in tweets["statuses"]:
			print (tweet["created_at"])
			print (tweet["user"]["screen_name"]), (tweet["user"]["name"])
			print (tweet["text"])
			print "=" * 60
		return Search_words
	if words:
	elif search_words:

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