[DOCKER] Can you study with a minimum of belongings? Developed on iPad << 3rd >> ~ Savior Appears ~



――Study with only the minimum items on your desk! !! ――How far can you study development with iPad Pro?

For people like this

--People who want to do anything with just one iPad --People who want to reduce what they carry --People who don't want to buy a new PC anymore --People who want to develop new ways of studying


Why the update was delayed

it's simple. Because everything went wrong (tsu ω-`) But don't worry. A savior has appeared on the iPad.

What is a savior

iPad OS! !! Furthermore, ... ** Safari is now displayed on the PC version **.

What's so good

I'm wondering what's so good, Until now, use via a web browser I'm having trouble working with ** Cloud9 ** or ** Jupyter Notebook **, but this has been improved! (I had a hard time because the cursor operation on the Smart Keyboard didn't work ...) So, this time I would like to display Jupyter Notebook.


Launch VPS

Enter Sakura's VPS control panel and press "Start"

Enter the server using an SSH client

** Current Recommendations: Termius ** It was easy to do when using SSH connection with key authentication for security.

Get an image of Jupyter

Make sure you have Docker

$ docker --version
Docker version 1.13.1, build b2f74b2/1.13.1

Download image

docker pull jupyter/datascience-notebook

Create a password

Temporary start to make a hash (--rm is added so it disappears when it comes out of the container)

$ docker run -it --rm  jupyter/datascience-notebook /bin/bash

If you put it in a container like jovyan @ xxxxxxx, Borrow Python3 in the container and create a hash of the password (this time test, change it to your favorite and secure one)

$ python3 -c 'from notebook.auth import passwd;print(passwd())'
Enter password: 
Verify password: 
sha1:43dd030f7f29:bfa2d32e343582447c4ddf176911a8417bc64cc0 ← Use this later

Exit the container (Control + D is also possible)

$ exit


Use the hash created earlier for the password

A brief description of the arguments -d: I'll run it in the background --name: The container name is jupyter -p: If port 8888 is accessed from the outside, it means that you are connected to 8888 inside the container. -u: Use as root user

$ docker run -d --name jupyter -p 8888:8888 -u root jupyter/datascience-notebook start-notebook.sh --NotebookApp.password='sha1:43dd030f7f29:bfa2d32e343582447c4ddf176911a8417bc64cc0'

Confirmation that it is working

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
5f9c6b139eae        jupyter/datascience-notebook   "tini -g -- start-..."   3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds>8888/tcp   jupyter

Access from a throbbing browser

When accessing with the IP address of my server: 8888. .. .. .. It's done (No ∀ \ *) A5773342-7B6E-4345-A88F-671C73545C05.jpeg Enter the password test. .. .. .. I put it in! 2DBEB3DB-6BF2-4861-8301-C8267EBC49AE.jpeg

Check if you can use Python If you select "Python 3" from "New" as indicated by the arrow above C33B7395-523F-4359-AC86-742EF21EF398.jpeg

Behave as you expected! !! !! The best! !!

Supplement) If you did not enter with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8888

The port may not have been released.

First check the firewall settings

$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
[sudo] password for rgoto: 
public (active)
  ports: 8080/tcp 8888/tcp

It is rejected without 8888 / tcp here. Let's add it. (You can choose your favorite port with docker run port forwarding, so I think it is safer to use something that is not guessed.)

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8888/tcp --permanent

(If you forget / tcp, you will not be able to add it and you will be impatient)


I think I can finally use it properly! A boy on an iPad commercial 「What's a computer?」 I will try and error so that I can do something like that.


Using Jupyter Notebook with Docker Open the CentOS 7 port with Sakura's VPS

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