With GitPod, you can use both IDE and jupyter on your iPad, so it's great!


** With GitPod, you can use both IDE and jupyter on your iPad, so it's great! ** **

Features of GitPod

GitPod has the following features.

This goal and procedure

On iPad chrome Build a Python programming environment (IDE and jupyterlab). The general procedure is as follows.

  1. Create a repository on GitHub and put 3 files
  2. Access GitPod
  3. Launch jupyterlab

Preparation on GitHub

Place the following three files in a suitable repository. The first file is the docker file used on GitPod.


FROM python:3.7
RUN apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
RUN pip install pipenv

The second file is the GitPod configuration file. The reason for opening port 8888 is to use jupyterlab.


  file: .gitpod.Dockerfile

- port: 8080
  onOpen: open-preview
- port: 8888
  onOpen: open-browser

The third file is Pipfile. This is not required because it is a file prepared assuming that you are building a virtual environment with pipenv. (If you use pipenv, you can use the local environment as it is on GitPod, so it is recommended.) I think it would be nice if the package had jupyterlab and pandas.


name = "pypi"
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true


pandas = "*"
jupyterlab = "*"
matplotlib = "*"

python_version = "3.7"

So far, I think the following 3 files (and README.md) are located directly under the repository.


(Repository root)

Access GitPod

GitPodへのアクセスはGitHubリポジトリのURLにgitpod.io/#を付与するだけです。 For example, if the URL of your GitHub repository is:


The URL to access the GitPod is:


It's hard to type every time, so it's convenient to put a link in README.md on GitHub.

The GitPod IDE takes about 10 minutes to start the first time, but it takes 1 to 2 minutes after the second time.

Launch jupyterlab.

Since there is Pipfile in the repository, you can start jupyterlab just by hitting the following command.

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
([repository_name])$ jupyter lab

Launch the pipenv shell,


You can also start and log in to jupyterlab on your iPad.


Tips for using GitPod on iPad

If you are using GitPod on your iPad, you will see a long bar at the bottom of the screen with prediction candidates. (Black bar in two colors at the bottom of the image) 2181F806-DBE6-4112-98C1-EE7BFC7E74E6.png

This disappears when you turn off "Input Assistance" in "Settings"-> "General / Keyboard" on the iPad. 56400627-9BA2-4699-BE6F-16A515FD6BDF.png

in conclusion

There are more and more things you can do with your iPad, so Nowadays, I think the iPad is really enough for simple programming. (By the way, this article is also written on the iPad.)


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