A memorandum of stumbling on my personal HEROKU & Python (Flask)

Since it is a personal memorandum, the description is rough. I'm sorry.

HEROKU doesn't recognize Python (requirements.txt)

HEROKU recognizes that it is a Python program by the requirements.txt file. Therefore, create requirements.txt and save it in the directory where the Python program is located. It is easy to use pip freez to create requirements.txt. Type the following command.


pip freeze > requirements.txt

This will create a file in your current directory that describes the libraries installed in your environment. If you have activated the virtual environment with venv, only the libraries installed in the virtual environment will be written out, so it is better to do it in the venv environment for version control.

You also need to create a Procfile to recognize the Python file that HEROKU launches. This has no extension, so you need to be careful when creating it with a text editor. The contents are as follows.


web:gunicorn python filename:app

Since we are using gunicorn for WSGI, before creating requirements.txt


pip install guincorn

Install gunicorn with.

OpenCV related error (libSM.so.6)

When I deployed a program that imports openCV,


ImportError: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I got the error. It seems to be an error because libSM.so.6 is not in HEROKU. Therefore, enter the following command in the terminal to add buildpack.


$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-apt

Create an Aptfile with a text editor and save it in the same directory as requirements.txt. Please note that there is no extension.



Now that the preparation is complete, deploy it.


$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add_Aptfile"
$ git push heroku master

Now you can safely use openCV on HEROKU.

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