[Introduction to AWS] A memorandum of building a web server on AWS

I've never set up a server on AWS, so the one when I set it up SSL has already created a wildcard proof, so I will attach it to LB.

What i did

・ Create a VPC -Create a subnet in the created VPC ・ It seems that LB needs two or more availability zones, so I created two. ・ Availability zone setting ・ Creating a security group ・ Creating a gateway ・ Creating a route table -Creating an EC2 server (Amazon Linux) -Building a LEMP (MySQL is RDS) server (strictly speaking, LEP)

yum update -y amazon-linux-extras install nginx1 amazon-linux-extras install php7.4 Automatic start sudo systemctl start nginx.service sudo systemctl enable nginx.service sudo systemctl start php-fpm.service sudo systemctl enable php-fpm.service Various conf settings

-Add an instance to the load balancer -Add a listener. I'm addicted to not setting rules

·that's all I will add it later.

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