Since I've been working more and more in terminals, I've put together (minimal) operation commands as a personal note. There are a lot of commands when I look it up, but I would like to master it from here as an introduction.
--Enter edit mode at the position of the "i" cursor --"A" Moves to edit mode by one character to the right of the cursor --"O" Add / move one line under the cursor line to enter edit mode --"O" Add / move one line above the cursor line to enter edit mode --"Shift + i" Move to the beginning of the line and enter edit mode --"Shift + a" Move to the end of the line and enter edit mode
--Save "ZZ" or ": wq" and exit -": Q!" Exit without saving --End of ": q"
--Kkkk to display the number of ": set number" lines
--Move up to "k" (↑) --Move down "j" (↓) --Move to the left of "h" (←) --Move to the right of "l" (→)
--"W" Move to the beginning of the next word --"3w" Move to the beginning of the word three words ahead --Move to the beginning of the word before "b" --"3b" Move to the beginning of the previous word
--Move to the beginning of the "^" line --Move to the end of the "$" line
--Move to the beginning of the "{" paragraph --Move to the end of the "}" paragraph
--Move to the first line of "gg" --Move to the last line of "G" --": Line number" Moves the cursor to the specified line --"Ctrl + f" or "Ctrl + e" scroll down --"Ctrl + b" or "Ctrl + y" scroll up
-"/ Character string" + (n / N) character string search (next / previous)
--Copy of "yy" or "Y" line (Yank) --Copy 3 lines from the "3yy" cursor position --Cut out the "dd" line --Cut 3 lines from the "3dd" cursor position --"P" Paste on the next line (Put)
--Delete one character of "x"
--Cancel the operation immediately before "u"
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