Introduction to Cython Writing [Notes]

2017/08/28: The part pointed out in the comment has been corrected.


Recently, I tried to increase the speed by implementing slow processing in Python in C using Cython, so I will summarize it so that I can look back when I forget how to do it. ** Only super rudimentary and superficial things are written **

What is Cython

Cython recognizes that it is like mediating a function written in C so that it can be called from Python. In other words, it is an image that you can use each good point by implementing the slow execution part in C and easily drawing the other part in Python.

Installation method

windows Go to this site and download the corresponding version. (If the part of cp ○○ is the version and Python 3.6, select the one that is 36) At the command prompt, enter pip install the path of the downloaded file to start the installation.

If you get an error such as ʻerror: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat` in the future, please refer to the following reference site [[Settings to use another version of VC ++]]( It was solved by referring to / build-python-package-on-windows / # VC-2)

Reference site

Mac, ubuntu, etc.

I think you can install it with $ pip install cython.

Files needed to wrap C

--.c file: File that describes the implementation in C language --.h file: C header file --.pyx file: A file that writes functions that can be called from Python using C language functions, etc. File for compiling

What to make this time

In order to realize that it is faster, this time we will use the following code with double for loop.

# -*-encode: utf-8-*-
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_t = time.time()

    arr_a = [i for i in range(1000)]
    arr_b = [i for i in range(1000)]

    res = 0
    for elem_a in arr_a:
        for elem_b in arr_b:
            res = res + elem_a + elem_b

    all_time = time.time() - start_t
    print("Execution time:{0} [sec]".format(all_time))

All we are doing is finding the sum of the sums of all combinations of arrays ʻarr_a and ʻarr_b. When you do this,


Execution time:0.24517321586608887 [sec]

It becomes.

Contents written in C language

Python seems to take a long time for for loop, so

for elem_a in arr_a:
        for elem_b in arr_b:
            res = res + elem_a + elem_b

This part is implemented in C language. The header file and source code are as follows.


int c_algo(int*, int*, int, int);


#include "cython_c_code.h"

int c_algo(int *arr_a, int *arr_b, int size_a, int size_b){
    int res = 0;
    for(int i=0; i < size_a; i++){
        for(int j=0; j < size_b; j++){
            res = res + arr_a[i]+arr_b[j];
    return res;

How to write a pyx file

Write the above C function c_algo () in .pyx so that it can be called in Python.


cimport numpy as np

cdef extern from "cython_c_code.h":
    int c_algo(int *arr_a, int *arr_b, int size_a, int size_b)

def cy_algo(np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_a, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_b):
    return c_algo(&arr_a[0], &arr_b[0], len(arr_a), len(arr_b))

The cimport that appears here is an instruction to read the cython version of the header file. In other words, by writing python cimport numpy as np, it is possible to declare types such as np.ndarray. Apart from this, if you also need a numpy function, you also need ʻimport numpy`.

Next, describe the function to be used from the C header file.

cdef extern from header file name:
Function to use

Describe in this way.

Finally, describe the function to be called from the Python side. It is described by def like Python, but the type is specified in the argument part. The type when receiving a numpy array as an argument is np.ndarray [element type, ndim = number of dimensions]. Also, when passing an array pointer to a C function, it can be passed with & array name [0].

How to write

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
from Cython.Build import cythonize

import numpy as np

sourcefiles = ['cython_pyx_code.pyx','cython_c_code.c']

    cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
    ext_modules = [Extension("cython_code", sourcefiles, include_dirs=[np.get_include()])],

Import the required library and write the following in the argument ʻext_modules of setup () . [Extension ("name of this library ", [source files to use], include_dirs = [header of library to use])] Since we are using numpy this time, passnp.get_include () to ʻinclude_dirs.


Compile with $ python build_ext -i. If all goes well, you will have a build directory, and a library ( .pyd for windows). You can import and use it like a normal Python library.

Try running with Python

# -*-encode: utf-8-*-

import time
import numpy as np
import cython_code

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_t = time.time()

    arr_a = [i for i in range(1000)]
    arr_b = [i for i in range(1000)]

    res = cython_code.cy_algo(np.array(arr_a), np.array(arr_b))

    all_time = time.time() - start_t
    print("Execution time:{0} [sec]".format(all_time))


Execution time:0.0010039806365966797 [sec]

The speed has improved by about 245 times.

By the way

You can also write the code directly in the .pyx file by specifying the type.


cimport numpy as np

def cy_algo(np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_a, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_b):
    cdef int res
    cdef int elem_a
    cdef int elem_b

    res = 0
    for elem_a in arr_a:
        for elem_b in arr_b:
            res = res + elem_a +elem_b
    return res

All variables used in this way are defined by cdef type name variable name. Note that if you forget to define ʻelem_a and elem_b` at first, the execution speed will slow down. If you compile this and call it from Python,


Execution time:0.10053086280822754 [sec]

It's about twice as fast, but it seems to be slower than writing in C because it's easy to write like Python.

Since it was pointed out in the comment, I modified the code as follows.


cimport numpy as np

def cy_algo(np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_a, np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] arr_b):
    cdef int res = 0
    cdef size_t len_a = len(arr_a)
    cdef size_t len_b = len(arr_b)

    for i in range(len_a):
        for j in range(len_b):
            res = res + arr_a[i] +arr_b[j]
    return res



Execution time:0.0019919872283935547 [sec]

The speed was close to that written in C. It turned out that even Cython solid writing will be faster if written properly.

at the end

I'm just starting to touch Cython and I only understand the introductory level, so I may have written something appropriate. I would appreciate it if you could point out in that case. It seems that the speed is further improved by disabling unnecessary options in A list can be found at here. If I can understand it a little more, I may rewrite this article to make it easier to read.

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