[RAILS] About the problem that the image is not displayed after AWS deployment

When I access the production environment, there is no CSS. .. .. I will leave a memorandum of my solution that I solved at that time. Image location is app / assets / images

Solution 1 Add .SCSS to the end of the CSS file extension

But that didn't help. I hear that some people have been able to do this much.

Solution 2 Review the CSS.SCSS notation

In my case, the notation is

url(/assets/Image name);

It was

image-url("Image name");

After changing to

$ git pull origin master

Reflect with. But this still doesn't apply

Solution 3 Recompile

https://qiita.com/yoheism42/items/dcf71691ca3e8dfc26c5 Refer to the article here

$ find app/assets/ -type f -exec touch {} \;
$ rake assets:clobber assets:precompile
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

Try. Then with the command on the second line

  Your Yarn packages are out of date!
  Please run `yarn install --check-files` to update.

Such an error. Against this

Then try the three lines of commands from the beginning again. Then this time it went smoothly without being played.


$ sudo systemctl start nginx
$ sudo systemctl reload nginx

Execute in the order of and restart the engine X


$ ps aux | grep unicorn
$kill 1376 ← The number on the far left of the unicorn master line
$ RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E production -D

I managed to display the image with this.

It was long···

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