Hello. I'm a data scientist at an AI venture. Recently, I'm addicted to Youtuber's Tokai OnAir, but suddenly I was wondering how fast they are increasing the total number of views and the number of registrants, so I hit the Youtube API regularly with Cloud Composer and hit it regularly. I wrote a code to store daily numerical transitions in Bigquery.
By the way, you can see the transition of the number of views for the past month from the following site, but I wanted to collect and analyze the data for a longer period of time, so I am doing this this time. [Easy] 3 ways to check the transition of the number of YouTube channel subscribers
Make initial settings so that you can hit the Youtube API. Basically, you can handle it by searching for the YouTube Data API in the Services item of GCP and enabling it. After that, save the Youtube API key. You can find out about this area by looking at the Official Site.
There is no problem if you set various settings referring to the following site. However, I use the UI to configure Cloud Composer and Bigquery because it's easier to configure using the UI. Procedure for creating a workflow for manipulating BigQuery tables with GCP Cloud Composer
Cloud Composer
Set only the following parts, and press "Create" without setting anything else. Creating composer takes a lot of time.
Once you have created composer, proceed to the following: Here, if youtube-API is not installed in composer, youtube API will not be able to be hit from composer later, so install Youtube API in composer in advance. First, create a file with the following contents.
Upload this file to Cloud Shell. You can upload by referring to the Official Site. Then run the following code on the Cloud Shell.
gcloud config set core/project project name
gcloud composer environments update composer name(toukai-onair-composer) --update-pypi-packages-from-file requirements.txt --location Location name(asia-northeast1)
Bigquery Create the table as described on the following site. Create and use tables (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/tables?hl=ja)
Now that the preferences are pretty much done, hit the Youtube API and write the code to store in Bigquery.
Below is the code that returns the total number of views and subscribers for a particular channel given the channel_id and api_key.
from apiclient.discovery import build
class Youtubeapi:
def __init__(self, channel_id, api_key):
self.channel_id = channel_id
if not channel_id:
raise Exception("need channel_id")
self.api_key = api_key
if not api_key:
raise Exception("need api_key")
def get_statistics_data(self):
youtube = build('youtube', 'v3', developerKey=self.api_key)
search_response = youtube.channels().list(
return search_response['items'][0]['statistics']
By the way, channel_id is described in the URL link when you go through your favorite Youtuber on Youtube and enter there. If it is Tokai OnAir, the link is as follows, so the channel_id will be ʻUCutJqz56653xV2wwSvut_hQ`.
You can get the api_key even when you enable the Youtube API, but you can also check it from the following credentials.
Below is the DAG code that uses the Youtubeapi class to hit the Youtube API and store the data in Bigquery.
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime
from google.cloud import bigquery
from lib import youtubelib
start = DummyOperator(task_id='start')
GCP_PROJECT =Project name
BQ_YOUTUBE_DATASET =Data set name.table name
YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID =Tokai OnAir Channel ID('UCutJqz56653xV2wwSvut_hQ')
# see https://cloud-textbook.com/69/#_start_dateschedule_intervalcatchup
default_args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'start_date': datetime(2020, 5, 18),
'retries': 0,
'max_active_runs': 1,
schedule_interval = '0 17 * * *'
# define dag
dag = DAG('toukai_trends', default_args=default_args,
schedule_interval=schedule_interval, catchup=False)
youtubeapi = youtubelib.Youtubeapi(channel_id=YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID, api_key=YOUTUBE_API_KEY)
def pull_youtube_statistics_api(ds, **kwargs):
statistics = youtubeapi.get_statistics_data()
dt = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print('dt', dt)
viewcount = statistics['viewCount']
print('viewCount', viewcount)
subscribercount = statistics['subscriberCount']
print('subscriberCount', subscribercount)
videocount = statistics['videoCount']
print('videoCount', videocount)
bigquery_client = bigquery.Client()
query = '''
CAST("{2}" AS timestamp) AS datetime,
CAST("{3}" AS INT64) AS viewcount,
CAST("{4}" AS INT64) as subscribercount,
CAST("{5}" AS INT64) as videocount
'''.format(GCP_PROJECT, BQ_YOUTUBE_DATASET, str(dt), str(viewcount), str(subscribercount), str(videocount))
rows = bigquery_client.query(query).result()
return 'ok'
job_transactiondetail_puller = PythonOperator(
There are various complicated points regarding the regular execution of composer (define dag part), so the `regular execution of Cloud service thorough comparison / thorough explanation (2020 version) Check out the confusing story about (start_date, schedule_interval, catchup, etc.).
Upload dag.py to Cloud Shell and do the following on Shell:
gcloud composer environments storage dags import --environment=composer name
(toukai-onair-composer) --location=asia-northeast1 --source=./dag.py
When you execute it, a file is created on GCS, and youtubelib.py is also placed there.
Same as Cloud Composer DAG execution status check
in Procedure to create workflow to operate BigQuery table with GCP Cloud Composer If you check it, there is no problem.
You can also check the execution result log from view logs
in Airflow.
I realized it when I tried it, but it's still expensive.
It was a painful level for my pocket money, so I stopped running it for a long time ...
(In this case, the QOL registered for Youtube Premium is high ...)
For a sense of price, see the Price Edition
of Cloud Service Thorough Comparison / Explanation (2020 Edition).
I tried to make it, but it seemed difficult to use it personally because it was too expensive ...
Next time, I'm wondering if it will be cheaper if I try to run Cloud Finction regularly, so I'm thinking of creating it.
Let's have a good Youtube life! !!
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