If you get Error: That port is already in use. In Django

It's a complete memorandum.

When you want to open a port

ps aux | grep -i manage

The following is displayed

Username 778 0.0  0.1  4349020   4252   ??  S    31May20   0:39.16 /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/SSMenuAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/SSMenuAgent
Username 775 0.0  0.0  4333584   1012   ??  S    31May20   0:02.50 /System/Library/CoreServices/backgroundtaskmanagementagent
Username 771 0.0  0.0  4337392   1720   ??  S    31May20   0:24.40 /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent
Username 85298 0.0  0.0  4268040    788 s002  S+    9:15PM   0:00.00 grep -i manage

Select the PID you want to kill

kill -9 85298

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