If you want to count words in Python, it's convenient to use Counter.

I played with Mecab and found it when I thought it was okay, so make a note.

It can be text or CSV, but I think it's rare that you want to write code that counts the frequency of occurrence of each element in a list that has duplicates. If you implement it obediently using a dictionary

data = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'aaa', 'ddd']

word_and_counts = {}
for word in data:
    if word_and_counts.has_key(word):
        word_and_counts[word] += 1
        word_and_counts[word] = 1
for w, c in sorted(word_and_counts.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
    print w, c  # =>
                #   aaa 2
                #   bbb 1
                #   ccc 1
                #   ddd 1

I think it will be like that.

In such a case, the collections module is convenient. So reimplement it using collections.Counter.

from collections import Counter

data = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'aaa', 'ddd']
counter = Counter(data)
for word, cnt in counter.most_common():
    print word, cnt # =>
                    #   aaa 2
                    #   bbb 1
                    #   ccc 1
                    #   ddd 1

I was able to implement it concisely. Moreover, it seems to be early because it is built-in. Besides, Counter has various other operators and convenient methods.

from collections import Counter

dataA = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'aaa', 'ddd']
dataB = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'bbb', 'bbb', 'abc']

counterA = Counter(dataA)
counterB = Counter(dataB)

counter = counterA + counterB  #The frequency can be added
counterA.subtract(counterB)  #Take the difference between the elements (destructive method)
counter.most_common(3)  #Get the top 3 elements (as in the example above, if you omit the omission of the argument n, you get all the elements in descending order)
#Some others

Any object that can be hashed is fine, so maybe there are other good uses?

Besides, the collections module has some useful classes that look good, so I think it's sometimes useful to read it once.

Finally, using Counter, the code that I tried Mecab in the tweet history of the downloaded Twitter looks like the following.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import Counter
import codecs
import json

import MeCab

#I have a feeling of bad know-how, but I want to redirect the output result
import sys

#codecs returns unicode
#There is an extra description on the first line and it is a tedious test code and it is troublesome so let's delete it in advance
_tweetfile = codecs.open('./data/js/tweets/2013_09.js', 'r', 'sjis')
tweets = json.load(_tweetfile)
#Encode because Mecab only accepts str type
texts = (tw['text'].encode('utf-8') for tw in tweets)

tagger = MeCab.Tagger('-Ochasen')
counter = Counter()
for text in texts:
    nodes = tagger.parseToNode(text)
    while nodes:
        if nodes.feature.split(',')[0] == 'noun':
            word = nodes.surface.decode('utf-8')
            counter[word] += 1
        nodes = nodes.next
for word, cnt in counter.most_common():
    print word, cnt

The part that distinguishes whether it is a noun or not is dull, and the symbol is inserted, but it moved to a good feeling for the time being. I'm happy.

I've put together these tricks, so if you don't mind, please (Frequent idioms that make Python code a little cleaner just by remembering it)

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