Use PIL in Python to extract only the data you want from Exif

Your photo is fake! When in doubt, most photos taken with a smartphone should have Exif data. Analyze photos with suspicious time series on Twitter etc. I think it can be used in various ways.

#!/user/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS

def get_exif(file,field):

	img =
	exif = img._getexif()

	exif_data = []
	for id, value in exif.items():
		if TAGS.get(id) == field:
			tag = TAGS.get(id, id),value

	return exif_data

my_img = "sample.jpg "
print get_exif(my_img,"DateTimeOriginal")

Only specific data can be picked up by rewriting the part passed in the last print.

print get_exif(my_img,"DataTime")
print get_exif(my_img,"Model")


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