Extract only complete from the result of Trinity

Not enough to write

I will leave it as a memorandum A script that retrieves only the complete array predicted by Transdocode from the Trinity result file.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
from Bio import SeqIO
import csv

fasta_in = sys.argv[1]                            #Specify the fasta file as the first argument.
for record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_in, 'fasta'): #Open fasta file Parse using SeqIO(Read one item at a time)
        id_part = record.id                       #Read the ID part of fasta
        desc_part = record.description                       #Read the ID part of fasta
        seq = record.seq                          #Read the array part of fastan
        if 'type:complete' in desc_part:
                fasta_seq = '>' +  desc_part + '\n' + seq      #Arrange in fasta format
                print(fasta_seq)                  #Output fasta to standard output

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