I want to use Python in the environment of pyenv + pipenv on Windows 10


  1. Switch Python versions with pyenv
  2. Manage packages with pipenv


1. Unzip pyenv-win

Install using the ZIP in * Installation * on GitHbu.

Download the master branch ZIP and download the directory pointed to by the environment variable % USERPROFILE% (often Expand to C: \ Users \ [username]).

When unzipped, the files and directories below will be unzipped, so change the directory pyenv-win-master to .pyenv.

master.Zip file structure

│  .gitignore
│  .python-version
│  .version
│  mirrors.txt
│  README.md
│  requirements.txt
│  setup.py
│  _config.yml
│          bug_report.md
│          feature_request.md
│  │  __init__.py
│  │
│  ├─bin
│  │      pyenv
│  │      pyenv.bat
│  │
│  └─libexec
│          pyenv---version.bat
│          pyenv-commands.bat
│          pyenv-duplicate.bat
│          pyenv-exec.bat
│          pyenv-export.bat
│          pyenv-global.bat
│          pyenv-help.bat
│          pyenv-install.vbs
│          pyenv-local.bat
│          pyenv-rehash.bat
│          pyenv-shell.bat
│          pyenv-shims.bat
│          pyenv-uninstall.vbs
│          pyenv-version.bat
│          pyenv-versions.bat
│          pyenv-whence.bat
│          pyenv-which.bat
│          pyenv.vbs

After making changes, use the dir command to locate the pyenv command.

cmd> dir %USERPROFILE%\.pyenv\pyenv-win\bin\pyenv
There is no volume label for drive C.
Volume serial number is BA29-3C85

 C:\Users\example-user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\bin directory

2020/02/09  22:07                55 pyenv
1 file 55 bytes
0 directories 790,862,061,568 bytes of free space

2. Set environment variables

Add one environment variable and add two directories to PATH.

--New environment variables

3. Specify the Python version used by pyenv

--First, check the installable version with pyenv install -l. --Next, install the required version. For 3.8.1, run pyenv install 3.8.1. --And specify the version to use. pyenv local 3.8.1 --Finally, run pyenv rehash to update% USERPROFILE% \ .pyenv \ pyenv-win \ shims% .

4. Check the setting result

Run python --version and pip --version to make sure it is the version you specified.

cmd>python --version
Python 3.8.1

cmd>pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from c:\users\example-user\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.8.1\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.8)

5. If it doesn't work

Running python launches Microsoft Store

If you run python and the Microsoft Store below is displayed, there are two possible causes.

  1. The % USERPROFILE% \ .pyenv \ pyenv-win \ shims directory is empty. In this case, run pyenv rehash to update the contents of the% USERPROFILE% \ .pyenv \ pyenv-win \ shims directory.
  2. The order of the directories defined in the environment variable Path is% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ WindowsApps followed by % PYENV% \ shims. In this case, % PYENV% \ shims comes first.


Unable to execute commands for packages installed with pip

Run pyenv rehash to update% PYENV% \ shims.


Install with pip and do pyenv rehash.

cmd> pip install pipenv
cmd> pyenv rehash
cmd> pipenv --version
pipenv, version 2018.11.26

Now that the installation is complete, use pipenv install to install the required packages.

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