[0. What you want to do / Why do you do it](#What you want to do / Why do you do it) 1. Goal [2. Image preparation](#Image preparation) [3. Preparing the environment](#Preparing the environment) [4. Transfer images to Zabbix server](#Transfer images to Zabbix server) [5. Source code rewriting](# source code rewriting)
I want to make zabbix look cute! There are times when you want to change the image, color, background, etc., right? I'm not a front-end engineer, but I understand the basics, so I'm playing around with it. As for why I do it, for me it is "change my mood !! Learn more about ZABBIX!". On the other hand, I think that some people have an Active / Standby configuration, so I think it will be easier to see which machine you are accessing immediately.
This time I will change the image of ZABBIX to tamolab like the image I did!
Create an image. I am a PowerPoint believer, so I will create it with Powerpoint.
I didn't care about the size, but I created it with 88 × 20 (tamlab.JPG). Once created, save it to your desktop.
Transfer the image to the server.
data transfer
PC$ scp ~/Desktop/tamlab.png <zabbix server IP>:~/
#Hopefully it will be transferred as below
tamlab.png 100% 31KB 3.0MB/s 00:00
Move the transferred image to the following location.
Data movement
zabbix-server$ sudo mv ~/tamlab.png /usr/share/zabbix/assets/img/
Go to the hierarchy below and check the file.
Hierarchical movement
zabbix-server$ cd /usr/share/zabbix/assets/styles
zabbix-server$ ls
blue-theme.css dark-theme.css hc-dark.css hc-light.css
blue-theme.css dark-theme.css hc-dark.css hc-light.css is linked to the following settings.
For example, if you select the "Dark" theme in the account settings (GUI), dark-theme.css will be applied.
Let's edit the "Dark" theme. Edit the .logo.
zabbix-server$ sudo vim /usr/share/zabbix/assets/styles/dark-theme.css
.logo {
float: left;
display: block;
width: 95px;
height: 50px;
background: url(../img/tamlab.JPG) no-repeat 0 11px; }
//background: url(../img/icon-sprite.svg) no-repeat 0 -903px; }
I commented out the original code and changed the reference image from ../img/icon-sprite.svg
to ../img/tamlab.JPG
the end. You can also customize it in various ways by playing with CSS!
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