Use os.getenv to get environment variables in Python

Until now, when it came to getting environment variables in Python, it was like this.

import os

dsn = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')

But recently I learned that there is a method called ʻos.getenv`.

Reference: Difference between os.getenv and os.environ.get in Python --Qiita

Since ʻos.getenv is equivalent to ʻos.environ.get, the above code can be rewritten as:

from os import getenv

dsn = getenv('DATABASE_URL')

It seems that either one is not officially recommended, but I personally think that ʻos.getenv` is better because it is "** it is clear why you are importing os **".

Since the os module has several uses, it is hard to understand "what is this for?" Even if it says ʻimport os, but if it is from os import getenv`, it is" You're importing because of environment variables. "

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