[Python] When you want to import and use your own package in the upper directory

I want to import and use my own package in the upper directory with Python, but I could not find a solution when I do not want to import by relative path or change sys.path in the script, so I will write it down.

In conclusion, create setup.py and use the command pip install -e ..


Directory configuration example:

+ mypackage
|  + __init__.py
|  + module_a.py
+ program_main
|  + executor
|    + executor.py
|  + tests
|    + executor_test.py

I want to import and use my own package called mypackage in the upper folder from ʻexecutor.py`.

In my case, there were multiple directories for AWS Lambda services, and LambdaLayer was placed in a higher folder as a common process, so LambdaLayer could not be imported correctly locally from Lambda functions.

Also, Lambda services and Lambda Layer have a directory structure that works fine in the deployed environment, but you have to be careful about the path when unit testing with CICD.

+ layers
|  + my_layer_1
|    + ...
|  + ...
+ lambda
|  + service_1
|    + handler.py
|    + serverless.yml
|    + requirements.txt
|    + env
|    + ...
|    + tests
|      + ...
|  + ...
+ setup.py


You can manage packages with setup.py. Put the following setup.py in the root directory.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

setup(name='myproject', version='1.0', packages=find_packages())

find_packages () will automatically find the package where __init__.py exists. If the path doesn't work or you can't find it, you may want to play with package_dir in addition to packages or check if __init__.py exists.

After that, install your own package by executing the following command in the root directory.

pip install -e .

-e reference

e, --editable <path/url>
Install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools “develop mode”) from a local project path or a VCS url.

If you specify -e, when you edit and save your own package, it will automatically recognize the changes, so you do not need to reinstall your own package (pip install).



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